Anaximperator blog

Blogging against alternative cancer treatments

Tag Archives: Simoncini

There is no time to wait for alternative cancer therapy to work err… fail

The reason that this blog came to be is the existence of cancer quackery, sometimes called alternative cancer treatments.

Many websites including this blog explain what is wrong with alternative cancer treatments and why they are dangerous and there are horrible examples of what happens to patients who chose to forgo conventional treatment and opt for some kind of alternative treatment instead. But the internet is littered with testimonials touting the successes of miraculous alternative cancer cures that are often claimed to be suppressed. Such testimonials can be very persuasive, especially if the reader/video viewer is afraid and not aware of what to look for, so it is no wonder that people get confused.

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Sodium Bicarbonate Really Works… for H1N1 influenza!

baking sodaOh, my. We overlooked something. ‘Respected’ woo-meister Dr Mercola proposes another use for Sodium Bicarbonate! As he believes, it cannot only cure cancer, but is also a good for ….. treating H1N1 influenza!

In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the ‘flu’ with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks.

Miracles do happen!

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Cancer and Fungus: Career Boost for Sodium Bicarbonate Pusher and Cancer Quack Tullio Simoncini

Struck off and convicted for fraud and involuntary manslaughter in Italy, under investigation in the Netherlands, baking soda salesman and cancer quack Tullio Simoncini is always on the lookout for more chickens to pluck. Recently, Simoncini has struck a deal with UFO/paranormal sensationalist, alien hunter and hoaxer Jaime Mausson of Mexico to push his cancer quackery in South America.

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Sodium Bicarbonate Really Works! :-)

baking sodaWe have spent a lot of energy here to debunk Tullio Simoncini’s baking soda therapy as a cure for cancer.

I am afraid we may have been wrong…

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Tullio Simoncini: Of Rodents, Research and Baking Soda

rodent of the weekIn the stats of this blog I can see from which pages people clicked to get to our blog. Sometimes I take a peek at these pages, as I did last week.

It landed me in a discussion on the ‘cancer therapy’ of Tullio Simoncini, which included some rather opinionated proponents of our Italian friend. A blog member named Byron stated that there was no evidence to prove Simoncini wrong, so I decided to tell them that research showed that sodium bicarbonate does nothing to stop cancer growth and was found even to stimulate it, giving the relevant link on our blog

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Continued: Simoncini sCAM Murderer?

Tullio SimonciniTullio Simoncini, a convicted ex medical doctor, ‘discovered’ that cancer is no more than the fungus candida albicans, and claims it can easily be cured with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Until now he has failed to deliver any evidence for his ‘discovery.’ 

In November 2008 we posted an email which was sent to Healthfraud, concerning a patient with glioblastoma.

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Is there hope after all?

ScienceYesterday I received some e-mails.

The first was from a lady whose mother is suffering from cancer. During her mother’s illness, this lady searched the internet for information on cancer and decided it would be a good idea to collect everything she found in one place. So she started a blog.

She says on her blog: “I wanted to have a place where all the information I was researching on the internet could be stored in one convenient location (…). In addition, I wanted to make sure that all the information was positive, so having our own blog made that easy.”  Read more of this post

Tullio Simoncini’s Lucrative Little Cancer Cure sCam?

money-pileEver wondered how he does it? We have – and we think it might go like this.

When you are diagnosed with cancer, there are two things that will scare the hell out of you: the fact that it may kill you, and conventional treatment.

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Young Breast Cancer Patient Aysha and Tullio Simoncini’s Baking Soda Therapy

From our Italian Friends

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Many times, we have spoken on this blog about the dangers of falling for the massive amounts of misinformation on how to cure cancer that is foisted on desperate people by alternative “healers.”

Here is another dramatic example: the heartbreaking story of a young Italian woman with breast cancer, who turned to Tullio Simoncini for help and was cruelly let down. The story created much echo and indignation on the Italian internet. Everyone diagnosed with cancer, who believes in the natural goodness and altruism of alternative “healers” and is considering treatment by Tullio Simoncini or any other alternative miracle healer, should read this.
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Tullio Simoncini Cures Woman of Bladder Cancer by e-mail


Tullio Simoncini is an ex-medical doctor who was convicted for fraud and involuntary manslaughter. Simoncini claims that cancer is no more than an infection of the fungus candida albicans and that it can easily be cured with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).

Lorna, a young woman who was diagnosed with bladder cancer, claims to have been cured of this disease by Tullio Simoncini. She never met Simoncini – he just sent her instructions through e-mail, after which she was able to administer the treatments herself. And Simoncini did not even charge her one penny for this life saving treatment! Now, how wonderful is that?  Read more of this post