Anaximperator blog

Blogging against alternative cancer treatments

Young Breast Cancer Patient Aysha and Tullio Simoncini’s Baking Soda Therapy

From our Italian Friends

horizontalrosesTransl. Beatis

Many times, we have spoken on this blog about the dangers of falling for the massive amounts of misinformation on how to cure cancer that is foisted on desperate people by alternative “healers.”

Here is another dramatic example: the heartbreaking story of a young Italian woman with breast cancer, who turned to Tullio Simoncini for help and was cruelly let down. The story created much echo and indignation on the Italian internet. Everyone diagnosed with cancer, who believes in the natural goodness and altruism of alternative “healers” and is considering treatment by Tullio Simoncini or any other alternative miracle healer, should read this.

One day, a young woman by the nickname “Aysha” joined a forum on alternative medicine. She had decided to forgo conventional therapy for her breast cancer. She had joined the forum for advice and support.  Those of you who read Italian can click here.

During her treatment, Aysha became more and more disappointed by Simoncini’s treatment and she said so on the forum. There were others as well who vented their doubts and disappointments. All critical posts have been deleted by the forum owner, and all of the forum members, including Aysha, were eventually banned from the forum, after some very cruel things were said to her.

However, I have succeeded in preserving the complete thread (with thanks to B**), which can be viewed here:

Aysha had breast cancer in the past, the first time in 2004, in her left breast. She had a mastectomy and chemotherapy. In 2006, she was diagnosed with cancer in her right breast. She had chemotherapy and surgery, as well as a reconstruction procedure.

A naturopath prescribes vitamines and diet (Nutriflor, Nutrimax, A.I. Protex, Essiac). Aysha feels in good health. In September, a red spot appears on the skin of her right breast. A biopsy confirms that it is cancer. Aysha then contacts Tullio Simoncini, a former doctor, via e-mail and telephone. He prescribes thermal baths for 20 days and intravenous solutions of bicarbonate, which she is to administer herself.  He also prescribes injections in her breast which he will administer himself, but as it turned out he was always too busy, so she never received these.

It was difficult for Aysha, who had a young child, to organize such a long stay away from home to be able to take the thermal baths, but she followed through. Her skin was looking worse however, there were sores and inflammations, but according to Simoncini this was a good sign as it showed that the therapy was taking effect.

When she had had 3 rounds of sodium bicarbonate, she felt two lumps in her armpit the size of pinheads, right under the skin. She said: “I see no improvement at all, the whole area is red and it reaches almost to the left side. I fee very demoralized.”

Aysha then had a meeting with her oncologist, who asked her why she waited so long before starting her treatment. She told the doctor she was taking thermal baths (she did not mention Simoncini). She also said: “I expect the inflammation and edema to regress after some time.” The doctor says that even if this is so, this would not necessarily mean that she is improving, because the disease may progress within. Perhaps, Aysha says, I am unconsciously convincing myself that I’m getting better because I don’t want chemotherapy and monoclonal antibody therapy (trastuzumab) or radiation. The doctor tells Aysha that her prognosis is serious!

A friend of Aysha’s writes on the forum of a Cancer Institute and they state that cancer can NOT be cured with “natural” (“alternative”) medicine. They also say they are very sorry that people’s good faith is being abused and taken advantage of in this way.

But the naturopaths in the alternative forum know better and this includes the metastases in her lymphnodes: the only reason they are swollen is because they are working hard to get rid of the sodium bicarbonate waste. That is only natural, so the swelling is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

There are also the habitual attacks on conventional doctors: “Veronesi & Co will never cure anyone of cancer, if they deserve a Nobel Prize, it is for impudence, all they have to offer is idle chatter.”

They tell Aysha that her case is by no means serious. She will receive good advice on the forum and she should go on taking her supplements and do what they tell her. And they have a very important advice: Don’t speak with family and friends about your treatments. Keep it a secret!

Simonini tells Aysha that her cancer has regressed slightly but that this is not serious. The most important thing is that the disease does not return. He prescribes another 4 cycles of sodium bicarbonate, to ensure that no metastases will occur. He does not give her any injections, but tells her this is no problem, because if there were no metastases to begin with, they are not likely to occurr now. Aysha suggest that perhaps they can take out the implants and insert catheters in the breast. Simoncini has very little time for her, because there is another appointment at the same time and he only looks at her very briefly.

Aysha’s situation is getting worse, she now has sores and open wounds and the redness of the skin is expanding. Aysha thinks the bicarbonate isn’t working or that she isn’t getting any. The lumps in her armpit have grown considerably and hurt when she lifts her arm. But according to Simonicini, the disease will have stopped by now. Aysha is afraid and doesn’t know what to do. The naturopaths on the forum advise her to take ricotta and nettle-poultices, as these help to take the toxins out.

In spite of a total of 7 treatments, Aysha’s skin is only getting worse, her skin looks infected and she has big sores and bladders on her chest. She thinks that perhaps this is because she has not received the injections.

The naturopaths on the forum keep advising Aysha to go on with the ricotta and the nettle-poultices.

Then she has another appointment with Simoncini. He now tells her that it is not a good sign that the sores are still open and that the disease is progressing. He thinks she has an infection. He says he wants to try and take out the implants and insert catheters under the skin, to stop the infection. This has to be done in a private hospital, as no public hospital will perform such an intervention and it will cost about 10,000 euros.

He tells her this is very urgent and that if she does not have this intervention, she is sure to have pleural metastases within a week. How can this be, Aysha wondered, when just a month ago he told her that the disease has stopped? Aysha felt devastated and did not know what to do anymore. She also says she had the feeling that she was scared into agreeing to this treatment.

Apparently then, the cause of Aysha’s misery is now no longer a fungus, but an infection, either bacterial or viral, or perhaps both. The people on the forum are referring to Pauling, Hulda Clarck etc. And now they are telling her this.

On the forum, where there also are employees of Simoncni, they are now suggesting that Aysha did not follow Simonicini’s treatment correctly, thus suggesting she is making things up to put the blame on Simoncini. Aysha swears she has done everything Simoncini prescribed to the letter.

They also say that Simonini has offered to find her a place in a clinic for free. Aysha says this is not true. He did not explicitly say that she had to pay, but she felt he was trying to scare her so much about her condition that she would agree to anything he said.

During the appointments, which never lasted longer than a few minutes, Simoncini kept checking his mail and answered the phone several times. He only looked at her skin superficially and never once looked at her medical file from the oncologist. During the last appointment he was also very busy with a Dutch patient who apparently was of more interest to him than Aysha.

Aysha said she couldn’t help thinking of his website, where it says about him that he is so empathic and altruistic.

Aysha said that her sister had an appointment with a clinic where the catheter would have to be inserted. There they told her that this kind of procedure would never be permitted under these conditions because it amounted to malpractice.

Then the atmosphere on the forum changed. Aysha’s posts were deleted, she was under constant attacks, accused of twisting the facts, of contradicting herself, by members of Simoncini’s staff (GHIBLI for example), who insist on defending their guru. They try to make Aysha feel guilty that she has not recovered and try to make her believe this is her own fault because she did not follow the protocol correctly. If someone does not recover, it must be their own fault. It can never be Simoncini’s, for he has saved the lives of so many and would never leave a patient in a terminal stage, they say.

That he looks at his pc and answers the phone during his appointments with Aysha is because he is such a saint: he can refuse no one, the poor healer. That he never looked at her file was because he had known about her condition all the time, but was not telling her out of pity, to keep her hopes up and protect her from knowing the awful truth. And isn’t that very kind of him, not telling Aysha how serious her condition is? Wouldn’t anyone want their doctor to be like this?

Aysha says that she always trusted Simoncini, although there were many things that she did not understand and in spite of her condition getting worse all the time. She says she trusted him with all her heart.

Now many people on the forum are asking questions and want to know what is happening. The naturopaths on the forum are increasingly annoyed by this.

In the last appointment Aysha had with Simoncini, she told him that the money would not be a problem, but that she was not sure anymore that she could trust him. She would speak with her parents who had always supported her and they would think it over. Simonicini seemed nervous and, while Aysha was still there, put on his jacket and had already opened the entrance door.

Aysha asks the naturopaths if they realize what they have written, that there was no hope for her and that Simoncini knew this from the start. Is she to believe that Simoncini knew even then that nothing could be done for her, but that at the same time he made her believe he could save her? So had he been deceiving her from the start? While in the beginning, according to her oncologist, her bloodtests were so good that she was even advised to take TAC? Does Simoncini even know what he is doing at all?

Then Aysha is banned from the forum and new forum rules are laid out: the least “impropriety” will immediately result in a ban.

Aysha died in October 2008. We hope that her story may serve as an example and a warning to those who believe that alternative “healers” are by definition always good and altruistic people.

76 responses to “Young Breast Cancer Patient Aysha and Tullio Simoncini’s Baking Soda Therapy

  1. Rich April 13, 2009 at 3:24 pm

    As I said, I wouldn’t trust Simonici to cure a yeast infection, let alone cancer. If you don’t like your doctor, get a second opinion, or a new doctor.

    If you suspect a yeast/fungus problem, then test for it… or go find a yeast doctor.

    If it’s an inoperable/uncurable cancer, there are still more and better options than Simonici, things proven scientifically in a lab. There are additional steps I would take, things I would test for if I had cancer, but these oncologists deal with 20 cancer patients per day, for years, and ignoring their experience seems foolish.

    Cancer research is getting better and better by the day, with new and exciting developments all the time. I will post some of these. Here is 1 example:

    Enzyme behind cancer spread found

    It seems like there is a lot of promising stuff in the lab and on the horizon. I expect some major breakthroughs in the next 5 to 10 years (certainly not helpful if you have cancer now, though).

  2. beatis April 13, 2009 at 4:11 pm

    I agree there are very exiciting developments going on right now and I so very, very much hope that there will be some major breakthroughs in the near future.
    Would you mind if I put your link in our Varia page?

  3. Rich April 13, 2009 at 4:58 pm

    “Would you mind if I put your link in our Varia page?”
    — Sure.

    Also, since this is a Simonici topic, and I mentioned yeast, and criticized his baking soda cure for yeast, here is a new treatment undergoing phase 2 trials for thrush (Note: it does not use just baking soda). Not that I am advocating using experimental treatments. Note: this did pass the phase I trials for safety.

    This one has baking soda, peroxide, and two anti-infectives in Iodine and Boric acid. Uses a specific ph, concentrations, and shows the kill rate at different ph’s. Treats gingivitis as well. It also talks about the FDA approved treatment for Gum disease, Chlorhexadine, as well.

  4. beatis April 13, 2009 at 5:00 pm

    I had baking soda as well, together with a number of other things in the mixture, to protect my veins when I had chemo. 🙂

  5. Jaro Belicka September 11, 2009 at 10:26 am

    beatis did you know this Aysha? How youg was she?

  6. Jaro Belicka September 11, 2009 at 10:32 am

    Than again what will you say about so many positive comments and testimonies of all those who were healed by dr.Simonchini. There are more of those who were healed then those who were not. Isn’t that opposite of the standard process (surgery, chemo and radiation) patient cases where most of them die?

  7. beatis September 11, 2009 at 11:00 am

    all those who were healed by dr.Simonchini. There are more of those who were healed then those who were not.

    I don’t know anyone who was healed by Simoncini. I don’t know anyone who knows anyone who was healed by Simoncini. Positive comments and testimonies are worthless, I can write one up right now. It’s evidence we need. And there isn’t any.

  8. beatis September 11, 2009 at 11:09 am

    beatis did you know this Aysha? How youg was she?

    No. But the person who gave me the information did.

  9. Jaro September 11, 2009 at 11:13 am

    what is your profesion beatis, may I ask?

  10. beatis September 11, 2009 at 11:42 am

    I am a linguist, I studied languages and majored in lexicography. Some years ago I began studying philosophy. I plan on majoring in ethics, virtue ethics to be precise. I work as a communications advisor.

    I am assisted on this blog by a scientist/pathologist, a gyneacologist and a chemist.

    Why would you want to know about my profession?

  11. jli September 11, 2009 at 2:11 pm

    Than again what will you say about so many positive comments and testimonies of all those who were healed by dr.Simonchini.

    Apart from pure fabrication, there are other things that can be problematic with testimonials. Sometimes the cancer was actually cured before Simoncinis treatment was given. See for instance and
    One of his cases that he uses as a prime example of the efficacy of his methods is so easy to expose as wrong if you know what to look for. You can see the example for yourself here:
    If you are interested in a more in depth description of what can be wrong with cancer treatment testimonials I recommend
    In addition comes his idea that cancer is a fungus. Why this is wrong is explained in easily understandable terms at
    Given that Simoncini has a medical education there is no way he doesn´t know this. If he is deliberately being dishonest about what cancer is made of, why should he be more honest about the efficacy of his treatment?

  12. F T November 10, 2009 at 8:02 am

    Did Aysha found cure before she contacted Dr Simoncini. Honestly she should criticized those who removed her breasts and inject chemo and radiation to her body instead of curing her and accuse some one who wanted to help her in her very late situation. She should contacted Dr Simoncini from the early stage to benefit as the others who benefited and stop spreading lies about Dr Simoncini and if you are not convinced why did you stop treating with the chemo and radiation. Go a head with a mastectomy and chemotherapy if you are satisfied .

  13. anaximperator November 10, 2009 at 3:01 pm

    Who do you think you are, blaming the patient for Simoncini’s deceit?

    Where is his evidence that cancer is a fungus?
    Where is his evidence that fungus (= cancer) can be cured wit baking soda?
    Where is his evidence of all the patients he is supposed to have cured?
    Other than stupid, easily debunked testimonials he has nothing to show for himself. The man is a fool and a cheat.

  14. d November 10, 2009 at 5:56 pm

    in looking around for some answers regarding a recent diagnosis of my mother in law having stage 4 lung cancer i was not finding much in the way of treatment.

    a friend directed me to a youtube site with simoncini’s info and i found it quite interesting.

    then i came across this site and found some conflicting comments, then i found the following site which seemed to offer some good information/facts.

    i think you should look at this – would be interested in everyones comments:

    FYI – not taking a position for or against all this, just looking around for some “real” answers, if they exist.


  15. beatis November 10, 2009 at 6:34 pm

    I am very sorry for your mother in law. Perhaps she would qualify for a scientific trial, or for an experimental treatment normally available only in a trial (or offered in one) outside of a trial; see our post on compassionate use of experimental drugs.

    Simoncini will not be able to do anything for your mother in law, as his treatment is completely useless. Cancer is no fungus and even if it were, it could not be cured with sodium bicarbonate. Simoncini is just dead wrong, both about the cause of cancer and the way is should be treated, so in our opinion he is a quack.

  16. WeWee November 10, 2009 at 11:15 pm

    Dear d,

    sorry for your mother in law but Simoncini it’s not the answer to cancer.
    He’s simply (sadly) a charlatan.

    Here in Italy he is considered a liar. Never healed anyone, calls for money and proves nothing of his theories.
    Be careful not to fall into his trap.

  17. jli November 11, 2009 at 7:20 pm

    @ d
    I´m also sorry for your mother in law, and I understand and sympathize with your wish to help her. I aknowledge that it can be very difficult to figure out if Simoncini is on to something, or if it is complete quackery. On this blog there are examples of his evidence, that you can chek out for yourself. You can find that post here:

    I am guessing that the youtube video you have been presented to is the one(s) where he is interviewed by a man named Doug Kaufmann. If that is the case you might find it helpful to compare what Simoncini explains about cancer anatomy with what is explained at

    An important thing to keep in mind as you look into the above is, that given his medical education, there is no way he can be unaware of the points presented in the above links.

  18. WeWee November 20, 2009 at 7:25 pm

    I can confirm that Aysha died in october 2008.

  19. beatis November 20, 2009 at 8:17 pm

    Thank you WeWee. This is very sad. So young. I will add this information to the post.

  20. Jaro November 20, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    So what if this person died? How many thousands of those who were treated by those “good doctors and sergeants” died and nobody sais anything. They are not to be blamed. All patients have to sign indemnity before they will butcher him or her.
    I had number of friends including my father who trusted “good doctors and sergeants” and they are all dead.
    Then I have one friend who was given 7 months to live if he will not undergo treatment by these “good doctors and sergeants” and 15 years later he is still here alive and well with healthy prostate. All fixed naturally. Praise be to God. So do not be one sided. Look at positive and negative on both sides.

  21. anaximperator November 20, 2009 at 8:56 pm

    What is positive about Simoncini? That he lies about curing people when in reality they have already been cured by standard medicine? That he has a succes rate of zero? That he lies to his patients habitually? That he is a lousy surgeon? That he tells tearjerkingly stupid things about cancer?

    Can’t see anything positive here.

  22. Jaro November 20, 2009 at 9:15 pm

    Well if you wish to be negative about Simoncini it is your choice.
    I only wanted to say that there is ten times more negative stuff on the other side with those “good doctors and surgeons”.

  23. beatis November 20, 2009 at 9:21 pm

    I only wanted to say that there is ten times more negative stuff on the other side with those “good doctors and surgeons”.

    There is negative stuff everywhere. This is life, remember?

    But with the doctors and surgeons you so intensely hate, over 60% of cancer patients are cured. With your beloved Simonini, no one is cured.

    It’s time you took off those blinders.

  24. Jaro November 21, 2009 at 6:08 am

    No I did not. Last time I shared the case of George Malkmus, the Godly man who had a prostate cancer and got well without treatments by “good doctors and surgeons” but you will dispute again as you did about George’s cure. Just because they refused the ways of mainstream medical “good doctors and surgeons” that means they did not have cancer at all. You do not believe his testimony just like you do not believe the testimony of my friend John.
    You will not believe even the ton of evidence when your mind is set on your ways only with probability of your hand being in pharmaceutical pocket.

  25. anaximperator November 21, 2009 at 9:31 am

    Malkmus admitted publicly that he never had cancer, so why should we believe his testimony that he cured himself of cancer??

    You have not provided tons of evidence. In fact, you have not provided any evidence at all, just silly, implausible “testimonies”.

  26. Jaro November 21, 2009 at 11:11 am

    “””just silly, implausible “testimonies”.””” Just like 60% cured by “good doctors” and “good surgeons”? I would be surprised if you can provide evidence that 5% are well 10 years and beyond their treatment or treatments by “good doctors” and “good surgeons”. All those I knew with cancer, those who went your way are dead.

  27. Jaro November 21, 2009 at 11:14 am

    Also I would like you show evidence that George Malkmus ever said that he did not have cancer. That is just another spin of yours same as what you do about Dr.Simoncini. Repeated lie becomes truth.

  28. WeWee November 21, 2009 at 12:32 pm

    Repeated lie becomes truth.

    Exactly Jaro. This is what Simoncini try to do.

  29. beatis November 21, 2009 at 12:40 pm

    I posted this the first time you came along here:

    In a local newspaper report that was published in 1998, Malkmus admitted that he never consulted a cancer specialist for diagnosis but had relied on nutritionists and chiropractors. “We never had any biopsies to prove this,” he said, “We don’t know it was malignant.


    Nutritionists and chiropractors are not capable of diagnosing cancer. Malkmus made the whole thing up, he probably had just a benign cyst and is telling lies to promote his business.

    This is the third time you have come here to advertise George Malkmus’s raw-food quackery. You should know by now that we won’t fall for this crap.

    Btw: mr Malkmus’s diet is considered heresy by many devout Christians:

  30. beatis November 21, 2009 at 12:44 pm

    I would be surprised if you can provide evidence that 5% are well 10 years and beyond their treatment or treatments by “good doctors” and “good surgeons”.

  31. Stefano June 8, 2010 at 10:47 pm

    I am very sorry to lay this down to you, but calling the testimonials in defence of Dr. Simoncini lies and afterwards referring to other testimonials in defence of traditional cures is pretty hypocritical. You are saying every positive testimonial can be made up (only in Simoncini’s case though apparently), well, negative testimonials are just as easy to make up. I never knew the victim in person, nor do I know a cured person in real life, and I’m pretty sure I’m very unlikely to ever meet one as well for that matter.

    First of all you have to understand that Big Pharma has no intent to cure cancer what so ever, it is their tool of keeping the growth of our population under control. Billions of dollars have been donated to cancer research, yet they refuse to find a cure. Where does this money go??? Where are the results??? In our current age everything seems possible, we are making progress on every department, except the health department. Why is it that cancer is so hard to cure when so many donations are made? Why does the Medical Industry laugh Simoncini’s suggested cure away instead of performing scientific tests and proving that he is wrong?

    Simoncini was simply disbarred from the Italian Medical Order and locked up for, get this, “prescribing cures that had not been approved”.

    Whether you believe in his treatment or not, there is however no way to deny the following;

    Even IF Simoncini’s treatment does not work, there is still the fact that certain fruits and vegetables contain salvestrols (google it), these are, for example, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears, grapes, broccoli and cabbage, artichokes, aubergines, asparagus, the list goes on. THE IRONIC PART OF ALL THIS is that Big Biotech/Pharma cartels are in on this, THEY KNOW this of course, read every decent dietary book, you will find that these fruits and vegetables help you fight cancer, but NOT in the state that we eat them. The way they land up on our plate they have been sprayed with fungicide which, guess what? Prevent the fruits/vegetables from building these salvestrols.

    Why, WHY, are these substances being prevented from being made? Because they are the key to fighting cancer in the natural way.

    Personally I don’t really care about whether you agree or disagree, furthermore I realize that this is a very old article, but I felt the need to contribute to the conversation which I have hereby done. I believe our species is corrupted by our leaders, it is time for something to change. 2012 will be the year when mankind finally understands what’s happening, the year when everyone who has been blind for the past decades will finally open up their eyes and realize what we have become. Only then will we be able to continue this debate.

    Until then, god speed 🙂

  32. beatis June 9, 2010 at 6:30 am

    @ Stefano

    Re your comment:

    I am very sorry to lay this down to you, but calling the testimonials in defence of Dr. Simoncini lies and afterwards referring to other testimonials in defence of traditional cures is pretty hypocritical. You are saying every positive testimonial can be made up (only in Simoncini’s case though apparently), well, negative testimonials are just as easy to make up.

    You make it seem as though all we do is give testimonials, whereas we have clearly shown scientific evidence as to why Simoncini’s theory is such dangerous nonsense. The testimonials on this site are not used instead of evidence, as Simoncini’s testimonials are, but serve to show the harm in forgoing standard medicine

    I never knew the victim in person, nor do I know a cured person in real life, and I’m pretty sure I’m very unlikely to ever meet one as well for that matter.

    Sadly, I have met victims in person.

    First of all you have to understand that Big Pharma has no intent to cure cancer what so ever, it is their tool of keeping the growth of our population under control. Billions of dollars have been donated to cancer research, yet they refuse to find a cure. Where does this money go???

    I wonder how you can expect to be taken seriously if you say things as ludicrous as this.

    Where are the results??? In our current age everything seems possible, we are making progress on every department, except the health department. Why is it that cancer is so hard to cure when so many donations are made?

    Apart from the fact that there are results, I wonder if it has ever crossed your mind that perhaps cancer is not such a simple problem to solve than is dreamt of in your philosophy.

    Why does the Medical Industry laugh Simoncini’s suggested cure away instead of performing scientific tests and proving that he is wrong?

    These tests have been done and a number of them have been mentioned on this blog, but apparently you didn’t read them.

    Simoncini was simply disbarred from the Italian Medical Order and locked up for, get this, “prescribing cures that had not been approved”.

    No, he was convicted for involuntary manslaughter as well. He never spent a day in prison though due to the fact that he filed an appeal and in Italy you don’t have to serve time pending an appeal.

    Whether you believe in his treatment or not, there is however no way to deny the following;
    Even IF Simoncini’s treatment does not work, there is still the fact that certain fruits and vegetables contain salvestrols (google it), these are, for example, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears, grapes, broccoli and cabbage, artichokes, aubergines, asparagus, the list goes on. THE IRONIC PART OF ALL THIS is that Big Biotech/Pharma cartels are in on this, THEY KNOW this of course, read every decent dietary book, you will find that these fruits and vegetables help you fight cancer, but NOT in the state that we eat them. The way they land up on our plate they have been sprayed with fungicide which, guess what? Prevent the fruits/vegetables from building these salvestrols.
    Why, WHY, are these substances being prevented from being made? Because they are the key to fighting cancer in the natural way.

    They are not prevented from being made. In fact, they are being made, by this company for example: And there are many more.

    Recently, researchers from Leicester University have formed a private company, Nature’s Defence Investments, to protect and promote their research into Salvestrol, “with the potential of designing a natural anti-cancer alternative based on this new technology.”

    Sadly though, they have failed to deliver good evidence that their food supplements will have any effect on the people taking the pills. There is no evidence as yet to suggest that these plant-derived chemicals have any positive effect on reducing cancer risk when taken in supplement form or for forming any part of a medical regime for cancer sufferers.

    Contrary to what you claim, trials are underway, but the best evidence to-date has been in-vitro studies of cells in petri dishes. And yet, a great many supporters of this new “wonder vitamin” have set up companies and are heavily promoting it around the world, making good money out of it. Nothing wrong with that of course, if it was certain to work. But this still has to be proven.

    2012 will be the year when mankind finally understands what’s happening, the year when everyone who has been blind for the past decades will finally open up their eyes and realize what we have become. Only then will we be able to continue this debate

    Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?

  33. That guy June 10, 2010 at 1:27 am

    -Why is it that cancer is so hard to cure when so many donations are made?

    Can I play? Can I? Can I? Is transhumanism cool?

    Have you found a cure for common cold? No, it’s not easy to find cure-it-alls.

    Yes, work is being done. No, it’s not enough.

    -2012 will be the year when mankind finally understands what’s happening

    2012 was a long long time ago, actually. 2012 according to wich calendar?

  34. bob September 6, 2010 at 8:27 pm

    Read all the comments and beatis is a giant cock whos loves wiki far to much.
    Grow up dick head all you are is copy and paste.
    `Always right hey.

    So why have no scientific studies been done on his research.
    not one to disprove him accept you dick heads.

    If in the future some one gets off their ass and actually does it… I hope all you naysayers feel like shit turning away people who dont want to rely on modern crap killing problem making medicine. And none of you have a study or research to show its not true apart from your little copy and pastes.
    Pathetic imbeciles.
    Too much fluoride in your brain i think.

  35. JennyJo September 6, 2010 at 9:00 pm

    So why have no scientific studies been done on his research.
    not one to disprove him accept you dick heads.

    Scientific studies have been done – not by Simoncini though – proving sodium bicarb is completely useless against cancer.

  36. Michael September 17, 2010 at 3:06 am

    This post is to all the “Big Pharma doesn’t want to cure cancer because it means $$$” people.

    Of course they want to cure cancer! A 100% successful cure would be the biggest cash cow ever for any company managing to come up with one. Their stock price would go through the roof!

    Think about it – how much would you, or anyone suffering, be willing to pay if a proven treatment had close to 100% success rate? Lots. You wouldn’t blink at coughing up $100K, or even going into debt for the rest of your life if you could be assured to be cancer free.

    Even if the company charged only $1,000 for treatment, they would make up any loses in volume. Uninsured people could seek treatment. Charities, NGOs, the UN, the US & other 1st world countries could fund treatments for 3rd world countries. The pharmaceutical companies would rake it in because the available market (i.e. the people who could pay for the cure) would suddenly explode in size.

    If any cure does magically appear I seriously doubt it would make all of humanity suddenly immune to cancer for the rest of time, and thus no need for treatment for future generations.

    The reality would be people would still get cancer, and “Big Pharma” would still be very much in business making money by the truck loads cranking out the treatment.

    There is ungodly amounts of money to be made in finding a cure.

  37. tractoristu November 4, 2010 at 5:38 pm

    Cancer research is getting better and better by the day, with new and exciting developments all the time.

    hahahahah ! better ?
    what a cheap propaganda !
    1 in 4 is gone with cancer. You call that ….better ?
    Ortodox medicine is the fraud, not sinoncini.
    Fungus ? There ar no doctors who understand fungus.
    Jim Humble with MMS can d better job than al your crappy an impotent medicine.
    I never go to doctors and I’m in a perfect health ( i,m oold also ! ), without medical crap.

  38. tractoristu November 4, 2010 at 6:04 pm

    beatis, shut up !
    Cancer is spending billions and you did nothing.
    Simoncini isn’t wrong and you know it.
    You are paid ti write this crap.
    Cancer is nor for you, doctors ! You don’t have educations and sofistication for cancer.
    You are against any cure , Bozo !
    Baking soda workes with maple syrop more than your cancer industry ! Study that and see hoew wrong you are. Baking soda and maple syrup is a succes, bozo.
    For me, medicine is a fraud from top to butt !
    Look what you did with Dr Sartory who solved sio many cases. You put him in jail. And you, Cancer Mafia , never saw such a succes, bozo !

  39. beatis November 4, 2010 at 7:40 pm

    beatis, shut up !

    Excuse me??

  40. Jaro Belicka November 4, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    Tractoristu it is not wort arguing here. Beatis is a pharma man and he will oppose any natural treatment so he surely will oppose Dr Simoncini and his success stories. He will however dig relentlessly into the case where patient died yet forgetting the number of those who died on pharma side, many times over.

  41. beatis November 4, 2010 at 7:58 pm

    Huh? I am a man?

    You are funny!

  42. Raheel March 6, 2011 at 11:40 am

    I just wanted to say a thank you from the bottom of my heart for this article. A relative of mine recently gave an article from David Icke (promoting Tullio Simoncini) – i.e. the “Cancer is a Fungus” article to my mother who has recently been diagnosed with cancer – thank God it is curable however.

    I know that the web is capable of great harm and I also know a lot about web marketing with a site of my own that is ranked no.1 in Google, and lots of research on blogs, affiliate schemes etc. It is quite simple really that people like Tullio Simoncini and David Icke have mastered the technique of making money from the web through getting subscribers and advertising from articles with big statements. I’m sure it’s not so long before they say they have cures for other terminal illnesses – what’s interesting is that their ‘goodwill’ is followed up by subscribe here or visit the clinic at etc. Aysha’s sad story is the proof needed of their true intentions.

    Fortunately my mothers condition is curable and I am too stubborn to allow her to even contemplate following through such treatments but it is so horrible to see such people sacrifice peoples lives to line their pockets. I hope they get their just desserts and good news is that this article came up as 2nd result when entering in “Tullio Simoncini”.

    I just want to commend and offer immense gratitude to your dedication in following the full story of Aysha in such a brilliant and analytical manner. You may have helped save countless lives – I cannot put in words how much of a contribution you have made with this article – the perfect antitode to Tullio Simoncini and David Icke! Thank you so much.

    Kind Regards,

  43. beatis March 6, 2011 at 11:58 am

    Thank you very much for your comment, that is really good to hear!

    Please give your mother our best wishes for her recovery! Cancer treatments are by no means fun, but often they are quite doable. I’ve been there myself, as you can read in the “About Me” page and it was far less worse than I feared.

    Again all the best to your mother, and to you as well, for being close to a cancer patient isn’t easy either.

  44. swatters May 30, 2011 at 1:06 pm

    The followers of these charlatans always resort to personal attacks instead of sticking to the subject. It’s like they either have a difficult time staying focused or they just don’t have any reasonable and specific information to contribute. Their knowledge is based on blind faith.

  45. Benson June 4, 2011 at 8:39 pm

    Your post sounds like a lot of bullshit to me. The video’s I have seen of the Italian doctor and some of the presentations in medical conventions, tells that the bicarbonate should be injected into the cancer. There seem to be no injection into the cancer cell done on this patient. Furthermore, whatever treatment she takes she is the one who has to decide what she will go with. How many doctors in the world is unable to treat diseases? So what are we to do? Attack all of them?

    You’re just a deplorable slanderer. For you to attack someone who has been able to cure so many people simply because he can’t cure every single patient on the face of the earth is absolutely ridiculous. Then why don’t you attack all doctors who fail to cure people? New medical discoveries happen with people like the Italian doctor, not with the ones who refuse to investigate and try new therapies.

    Do something better with your life than witchhunt people.

  46. beatis June 4, 2011 at 9:36 pm

    Tullio Simoncini’s cancer therapy has been proven to be false.

    When people forgo conventional therapy and do Simoncini’s useless baking soda treatment instead, they forfeit the only chance of survival they have.

  47. Concerned June 15, 2011 at 4:58 am

    I just came across this post by accident.

    I find it quite disturbing that this site has been set up to attack alternative medicine. Most medicine that is termed ‘alternative’ has actually been around for thousands of years. It is our current medical model that is alternative, as it has only been around for the blink of an eye.

    “… Cancer Institute and they state that cancer can NOT be cured with “natural” (“alternative”) medicine.”

    The above statement if unbelievable. How can anyone say this with any certainty? If the Cancer Institute was really concerned with finding a cure they would be exploring any avenue purporting to help. ANY avenue, and that includes natural alternatives.

    Of course, there is no money in natural cures. If you can cure yourself with good nutrition then the Health (or should i say Sickness) Industry would stop making the billions it is making today from prescribing pharmaceutical drugs as a cure for everything.

    I have had known many people who were diagnosed with cancer. They all had conventional cancer treatments (chemo) and they are all no longer with us. However, one friend who had advanced stages of leukemia was eventually sent home by his doctors to die as they felt they could no longer ‘help’ him. At this stage he was virtually a stick figure and looked very close to death. As he had nothing to lose, he began to search the web for alternatives. He came across many people who had cured themselves with diet and especially with the aloe vera plant. Again, as he had nothing to lose, he immediately began to drink aloe vera juice everyday for months. He began to gain weight and looked much better. Eventually he went back to the doctors and they found that the cancer had gone. They were, of course, amazed. But they refused to believe he cured himself with high daily doses of aloe vera juice.

    How do I know this? He showed up at my dad’s office with bottles of aloe vera juice for everbody! He was so happy to be given a second chance and he wanted to let everyone know about how he managed to heal himself naturally.

    So you see, the whole premise of this website is actually false. Now, i’m not saying that your intentions are not good. But if you are truly wanting to help people with cancer you would be open to ALL remedies that may help.

    Good health to all.

  48. Jaro Belicka June 16, 2011 at 1:19 pm

    Medical mafia will always be against natural ways of healing like in this case:

  49. beatis June 16, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    @ Jaro Belicka

    Antineoplastons (Dr. B’s cancer treatment):

    Antineoplaston therapy is a complementary/alternative cancer treatment that involves using a group of synthetic chemicals called antineoplastons intended to protect the body from disease. Antineoplastons are made up mostly of peptides and amino acids originally taken from human blood and urine.

    And just two examples of conventional cancer treatments:

    Paclitaxel is a mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy. It was discovered in a U.S. National Cancer Institute program at the Research Triangle Institute in 1967 when Monroe E. Wall and Mansukh C. Wani isolated it from the bark of the Pacific yew tree, Taxus brevifolia and named it taxol.

    Vincristine (brand name, Oncovin), formally known as leurocristine, sometimes abbreviated “VCR”, is a vinca alkaloid from the Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar periwinkle), formerly Vinca rosea and hence its name. It is a mitotic inhibitor.

    Please explain to us how antineoplastons are “natural” and Paclitaxel and Vincristine are not.

  50. kimberly July 17, 2011 at 4:01 am

    I think you should explore more avenues before comiung to a conclusion.
    \My dad died from bone C. and if there is a cure that is natural instead of manufactured I think I would rather know about it. Even though its to late.

  51. jli July 18, 2011 at 6:15 pm

    Would it be possible for you to explain what avenues we haven’t explored?
    We have checked if cancer perhaps just maybe could be a fungus. We have looked at cases that were alledgedly cured by Simoncini. We have looked at the science Simoncini claims supports his idea. We have researched to see if sodium bicarbonate just might have an anticancer property, and we have identified cases such as this one where things went terribly wrong.

    if there is a cure that is natural instead of manufactured I think I would rather know about it.

    So would we. In an ideal world, nobody would exploit such a wish. But the world isn’t ideal. And all the avenues we have found to explore lead unequivocally to the conclusion that Simoncini is a scammer.

  52. Char August 5, 2011 at 10:17 pm

    My sister has cancer and our experience with Dr Simoncini (if he is a doctor) was horrible.

    He took the money, didn’t finish showing her how to do the treatment; there is no record of her ever being in the clinic, and he demanded the money transfer be a donation, for his services. There is no record of her ever having been in the clinic. Wouldn’t come when I asked him to come see her, as she was really sick…then forgot the last appointment, we had to call him. Told her she needed 24 bottles of BOS, then he said she had to repeat the treatment twice…which really means she needed 48 bottles….we only purchased 24, and it was too late to get the other 24 bottles; then he left the country….she still doesn’t know how to do the treatment, and has not had it….she’s dying because she’s wasted valuable time…he lied to us several times… My suggestion would be to research before trying his treatment…I’m not saying it won’t, or doesn’t work, as I would choose alternative any day over chemo and radiation. but never with him. To this day she has not had the treatment, and gave him her life’s savings. BE WARE! She now wants to know what kind of tubes they inserted, and they will not release the information to date.

  53. max(L) September 16, 2011 at 2:34 pm

    Dear Char, can you name the clinic ? It would be very useful to anyone. Can I also ask you how much money Simoncini asked for ? I guess it was not a donation for those 24 bottles of BOS.
    And you said you don’t know if his (Simoncini) treatment works…let me say that reading about your sad experience I smell something wrong…
    Best Regards.

  54. Natasha October 9, 2011 at 1:17 pm

    I strongly believe cancer is fungus but before i tell you why and how it turns into cancer I want all you people to search Dr Leonard Coldwell and Dr Johanna Budwig who have cured alot of people from cancer. Dr Coldwell have had 35,000 patients with uncurable illneses and he has cured 93.2% of this people the natural way. he does not operate on a person but just tells them what to eat. Dr Otto won the noble price for proving that cancer cells can not survive in oxygen rich alkaline body. what the baking soda does is that it makes the body alkaline. Now I will tell you the relationship between fungus and cancer – we all have candida (fungus) in our gut which is healthy to have and when we eat too much sugar, junk food, alot of white bread, smoke, alcohol and less fruit and vegetables this candida (fungus) grow out of control and take over the god bacteria and in the begining a person will have alot of symptoms like mood swings, allergic reactions, acid reflux, skin conditions such as ezcema and acne, weight gain, sugar craving and alot of ther symptoms but this person will not know that the problem is the fungus growing out of control so they will try to control the symptoms but not now the root cause. This person might be suffering for years of fungus symptoms before they get cancer or diabetes. please search for fungus symptoms there are 100s and right now you might be suffering from fungus but not now it. when this fungus grow out of control it puts alot of presure on the immune system beacuse the immune system is always trying to control and level everything in the body. The ph level in the blood becomes acidic beacuse of bad diet and beacuse of this uncontroled fungus and that is why it is very important for every one to detox once every 12 months get rid of the toxins, fungus and make the body alkaline and once the person has finished with the detox it is very important to eat inner health plus which is the good bacteria that controls the fungus and it is also important that the person have a diet high in fruit and vegetables and drink 16 cups of pure water everyday. so people fungus will only grow out of control when the blood ph level is acidic and this will turn in to cancer when the fungus goes in the bloodstream and other organs but this will not happen overnight it takes along time before a person gets cancer 10, 15,20,30,40,50 years but your body will always be telling you that something is not right by giving you alot of the fungus symptoms which you should search. I know all this beacuse about 3 months ago I lost my dad to cancer and after his death i did alot of research beacuse i’m having the same symptoms when he was having at a younger age and our problem was this deadly fungus

  55. wilmamazone October 9, 2011 at 9:27 pm


    [..and that is why it is very important for every one to detox once every 12 months get rid of the toxins, fungus and make the body alkaline and..]

    I’m sorry to hear about your Dad and that you are afraid now for your own health, but -sad to say-
    you’ve been able to find a lot of nonsense in about that 3 months time. Read this carefully to start with:

    Detoxification–the pinnacle of quackery

  56. beatis October 10, 2011 at 6:25 am


    And you might also read this and be sure to click on the links at the bottom of the post as well.
    The theories you present here regarding candida albicans, blood pH level and cancer may seem to make perfect sense to you, but I’m sorry to say that nevertheless you are sorely mistaken.

  57. john November 3, 2011 at 12:04 pm

    You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink

  58. jli November 17, 2011 at 7:13 pm

    You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink

    True – But one can always hope that reason and rationality will kick in.

  59. Jasmine December 8, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    I’ve been in surgery twice, brain tumor, cancer. I asked my neurosurgeon why this tumor, and he only responded: “I have no idea”, I never felt any symptoms just one day I woke up and I was in the hospital. The first intervention was on 2008 the second one last april, I never received radiation and I eat everything healthy for my brain, I’m 31 years old, but if I find out another interversion is necessary, I’ll totally refuse it also the radiation and maybe I’ll try this Doctor procedure, I got MRI every 3, 6 and 12 months. I have to say that my recuperation in both surgeries was totally OK, the first time I was working after 2 monts, the second after 3 months. I have seizures, but taking madication that’s controled. I feel great, but more than that I feel blessed.

  60. camba January 11, 2012 at 3:13 am
    Conclusion of the article: “Notwithstanding these concerns, however, the dramatic effect of bicarbonate therapy on the formation of breast cancer metastases in this model system warrants further investigation.”
    Hopefully further research will be made soon.

  61. beatis January 11, 2012 at 7:22 am

    The study you are referring to is mentioned here.

    One important thing the authors of this study report is that the sodium bicarbonate did not have an effect on the growth rate of the cancer. In other words: it did not destroy the cancer itself. Also, the number of metastases in the sodium bicarbonate group was by no means zero and the mice were not cured. There is an interesting but extremely limited effect here of which the researchers themselves say they don’t know what caused it.

    If proponents of Tullio Simoncini conclude that this study proves sodium bicarbonate can cure cancer and prevents development of metastases, they have not read the article.

  62. skeptic1 March 20, 2012 at 8:04 pm

    It is obvious after reading this thread that you are closed minded, deceitful, and becoming more and more desperate and angry. Everyone can now see your intentions.
    Thank You

  63. JennyJo March 20, 2012 at 8:38 pm


  64. skeptic1 March 20, 2012 at 9:01 pm

    Trying to convince people of things that you have no proof. Ie. Badmouthing others. Did I mention evil. Karma Kills!

  65. jli March 20, 2012 at 9:16 pm

    But his does not apply to Beatis. What would you accept as proof that cancer is not a fungus, and that sodium bicarbonate is ineffective as cancer treatment?

  66. david June 20, 2012 at 7:50 pm

    Reading these posts, It is clear that beatis is controlling all of the commentary. With the use of quoting and humiliation. As someone who uses these same techniques to counter arguments in the tech field, I believe beatis is on the payroll. I am looking for cures for small cell cancer, for my father in law. If you are not beatis, then you are way out of line with the vitriolic use of your linguistic skills. You seem to be a cunning sophist, and I wonder how many of the posts by other names are your own?

  67. jli June 21, 2012 at 7:11 am

    I am not identical to beatis. It is possible for people to agree on matters in which you disagree.

    As someone who uses these same techniques to counter arguments in the tech field, I believe beatis is on the payroll..

    I can’t imagine why you feel it is necessary for you to post under different names in a discussion about technical issues on a blog. Also I don’t understand why you need to be on someones payroll to participate in blog discussions about technical subjects.

    If you are not beatis, then you are way out of line with the vitriolic use of your linguistic skills.

    I stand by my words. And I don’t think I am being unfair.

    If I am looking for cures for small cell cancer, for my father in law.

    In an ideal world, nobody would exploit such a wish. But the world isn’t ideal. There are a lot of cancer quacks out there who convincingly try to sell bogus treatments.

    On a cancer quackery website you will typically find one or more the following:
    1) There is a simple/effective/safe cure of all cancers
    2) The government/FDA/pharmaceutical industry is suppressing it.
    3) Conventional treatment is dangerous and ineffective, and because of this the quack-treatment is better.
    4) The quack cure is backed up by testimonials and animal/cell culture experiments which proofs that it works.

    You seem to have accepted at least point 2 as a fact.

    I wonder how many of the posts by other names are your own?

    None – I am jli, and I dont need to post under any other names to express my views.

  68. beatis June 21, 2012 at 7:53 am


    I often wonder why so many people feel the need to comment on this blog using fake email addresses and proxy servers, like you for example, but if that’s what they want, who am I to stop them? I can’t be bothered anyhow whether a person uses his real name, or an alias, or ten aliases, I’m only interested in the content of what’s written and all too often that’s not of a very high standard – to put it kindly.

    Anyway, there are three people who have written posts on this blog: jli, cryptocheilus and myself and they are three different people. I for example am a woman and I know for a fact that jli and Cryptocheilus are not. But just for the sake of argument: if I or any of the other authors would be posting here under, let’s say, 20 different names, how would that make our criticism of Tullio Simoncinin’s cancer cure untrue?

  69. A.T. July 26, 2012 at 3:35 am

    tullio fucking simoncini is a fraud. my mom paid him a fortune ( despite all the ppl that advised her against it) and now she’s dying!!! this sodium bicarbonate crap is not working. People with cancer should get conventional treatment, chemo therapy and such. Do not believe you will be cured by this man!! No wonder he’s not allowed to practice medicine in Italy!

  70. Pingback: La cura Simoncini: una bufala pericolosa | – La ConoScienza Condivisa – Forum di Scienza Amatoriale

  71. santa June 10, 2013 at 5:48 am

    Chemo is proven that doesn’t work.
    Radiation gives you mor cancer.
    I know that the moderater = TALIBAN is not letting this . but i know fore sure that it was not a double blinde test for chemo or radiation.
    Everybody sounds here that oncologist are douing some science . It’s bull crap !
    I like to see coments for people killed in hospitals. I know sombody killed with chemo.
    Why you don’t have a case where cassical treatments FAILS !
    Because fails avery single time .
    With 550 000 cancer patients died avery year in US. you are lookinf for 2 -3 cases in Simoncini backyard ?
    Look in hospitals, bro, and you, the taliban ( Who pays you to stop me ? ) !
    Cancer patients ar in a death factory of hospitals.
    If you look for scams, go to oncology !
    I know you are not let this message . Yout masters could be mad !

  72. wilmamazone June 10, 2013 at 7:10 pm


    Chemo is proven that doesn’t work.
    Radiation gives you mor cancer.


    Because fails avery single time


    I received with thanks a.o. chemotherapy and radiation treatment. You believe I speak to you out of Heaven or what?! :mrgreen:

  73. Pingback: Cancer is a fungus, says David Icke – The Good Atheist

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