Anaximperator blog

Blogging against alternative cancer treatments

Alternative Medicine: Double Corruption

Last year we blogged about Kim Tinkham, who decided to treat her breast cancer with Robert O. Young’s alternative cancer treatment, which he proudly calls the “pH miracle” treatment.

On his website Young proclaimed that his pH miracle treatment had reversed Kim Tinkham’s cancer. Apparently Kim believed him, for she allowed Young to use her in several of his YouTube videos, in which she touted his treatment and stated that it had cured her of her breast cancer.

For obvious reasons, most of the videos have since been removed. All that remains now are an abridged video testimonial on YouTube and an article on Young’s blog, dated 2 September 2009, in which he tells us that Kim Tinkham has reversed her breast cancer with his pH miracle diet:

Some years ago there was a somewhat similar case in the Netherlands, concerning Marjolein Bouwman, a young mother diagnosed with ovarian cancer who came  into contact with Italian ex-doctor Tullio Simoncini.

Tullio Simoncini convinced her that infusions of sodium bicarbonate would be sufficient to cure her cancer and that consequently she would not need any of the conventional treatments that she was so afraid of.

She became an ardent advocate of this quackery and appeared in YouTube videos (since removed), tv-shows and magazines to tell the world of this wonderful new treatment, which claimed a success rate of 98% and hardly any side effects.

In March 2008 Tullio Simoncini told Marjolein that she was completely clear of cancer.  However, as we later heard, in the course of 2008 Marjolein started to have health problems and in the autumn it turned out the primary tumour on her ovaries had never been gone at all and had extensively metastasized. Marjolein died 2 November 2008.

I wonder how many frightened cancer patients have been inspired by Kim Tinkham’s and Marjolein Bouwman’s videos and appearances in magazines and tv-shows to forgo conventional medicine and have had their prognosis irreversibly compromised and died because of it.

Quacks corrupt people’s health, but that’s not all they do. In cases like Kim Tinkham’s, Marjolein Bouwman’s and countless others, patients are also turned into accomplices, which corrupts not only their health but their souls as well.

66 responses to “Alternative Medicine: Double Corruption

  1. Cheryl Donahue February 28, 2011 at 1:46 am

    How many did the conventional ways of ridding themselves of cancer and died? Sure there were some who live, but for how long?Depends on how healthy they are, what stage of cancer they have. There is no cure for cancer as far as I know, but, like religion, everyone has there own beliefs. Radiation and Chemo can do some long term damage too. Another one is “Have faith, pray, and you will be healed”. Everyone is going to do what they believe is right. Is there and wrong or right? Its all in the eyes of the beholder.

  2. Cheryl Donahue February 28, 2011 at 1:49 am

    How many died using conventional ways of ridding themselves of cancer? Sure there were some who live, but for how long? Depends on how healthy they are, what stage of cancer they have. There is no cure for cancer as far as I know, but, like religion, everyone has there own beliefs. Radiation and Chemo can do some long term damage too. Another one is “Have faith, pray, and you will be healed”. Everyone is going to do what they believe is right. Is there a wrong or right? Its all in the eyes of the beholder.

  3. JennyJo February 28, 2011 at 6:13 am

    How many did the conventional ways of ridding themselves of cancer and died?

    The numbers are clear: currently, close to 60% of cancer patients survive with conventional therapy.

    Sure there were some who live, but for how long?Depends on how healthy they are, what stage of cancer they have.

    That’s correct, the further the cancer is advanced, the lower survival chances are. The sad thing is that, as far as we know, with conventional treatments Kim Tinkham for example still had a 40 to 50 percent chance of surviving her disease. Young’s pH miracle diet robbed her of this and gave her 0% instead.

    Is there and wrong or right? Its all in the eyes of the beholder.

    I disagree. As I said before: the numbers are clear: the average chance of surviving cancer with conventional ways is nearly 60%; with alternative treatments this number plummets to zero.

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  5. danielle May 28, 2011 at 1:28 pm

    I do not know that the person who does this website would want to publish what I am going to say: I challenge the figure that Jenny Jo gave about 60% of those using conventional treatments surviving cancer. For many years I, and some of my friends have researched into verified natural rememdies for diseases in general, and we have found several natural treatments for cancer that have a high rate of success. Most of them confirm that the proper alkaline/acid base of the blood is essential for good health, and that people who demonstrate illness do have very high acidic blood streams. We personally know people who have been healed from even 5th stage cancer using all natural treatments, and this healing even though they hindered their immune systems with chemotherapy. Most of the times, the ph miracle diet was used, also the Halleluyah Acres diet, also Gary Null’s program. But a key factor in the natural remedies is that an entire program to restore the health of the blood has to be followed, and that usually starts with a detox program, followed by raw natural foods like green salads, vegetables, etc. (you can read about the diet in the ph miracle book, similar diets in the Halleluyah Acres diet, etc.) drinking lots of clean alkaline and/or distilled water such as is being used by many people who are not sick but want improved energy. While the person(s) who have this website to put down natural remedies may have a certain agenda, please consider this: in 1990 a report from JAMA “leaked” out to the press and the report said that they had polled 18, 000 oncologists across the country and asked them what would be their treatment of choice if they had cancer, and close to 80% said they would use ALL NATURAL THERAPIES AND THAT THEY HAD ALREADY PLANNED WHERE THEY WOULD GO FOR THESE THERAPIES SHOULD THEY CONTRACT CANCER. I think this speaks for itself. As for the people who heal from cancer through conventional therapies, I had heard from a patient who had conventional therapies who called me up in a panic because she read a report that those who took the same chemotherapy as she did, got a different kind of cancer within 10 years. She responded by doing a natural cleansing and detox program and from what I learned recently, she is still cancer free. One more comment about the two people mentioned in this blog who initially were healed by the ph miracle and later got sick or died: We have heard that the key to maintaining free from cancer is that one must maintain a strict health regimen, and there is a tendency once a person experiences freedom from cancer by doing the proven natural remedies, (such as I have shared above) to get lax on their health program, start to eat unhealthy foods, thus acidifying their blood once again, and then unfortunately, getting the cancer back. So, a person who wants to get healed from cancer, or any life threatening illness must have a change of heart and continue this health protocol to maintain their new found health. Thank you for publishing this blod.

  6. jli May 28, 2011 at 6:18 pm

    … proper alkaline/acid base of the blood is essential for good health,

    That is non-controversial basic knowledge. The body is by nature slightly alkaline with a pH around 7,4. Various regulatory mechanisms in the body work to maintain a stable slightly alkaline pH. This is necessary for the body to function properly. So one really can’t (and shouldn’t wish one could) make the body more alkaline/acidic. The rumors that claim that altering the body pH will prevent/cure cancer, and that this can be achieved through certain diets or supplements are false.

    ….people who demonstrate illness do have very high acidic blood streams.

    It is the other way around. People who have very acidic blood (acidosis) are ill. The same goes for people who have very alkaline blood (alkalosis).

    We personally know people who have been healed from even 5th stage cancer…

    If they told you that, they were lying. There is no such thing as a 5th stage cancer. Stage 4 is the highest.

    .. 18, 000 oncologists across the country and asked them what would be their treatment of choice if they had cancer,

    All the oncologists I know would choose conventional treatment.

    … a person who wants to get healed from cancer, or any life threatening illness must have a change of heart…

    It is standard practice for alties to blame the patient and not the therapy, when it turns out that it doesn’t work

  7. philip June 4, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    Well I for one have no faith in the Standardized methods of treating any kind of Cancer…Why? its very simple, Western Medicine and the Governmental institutions that are setting policy are as corrupt as the day is long. This is fact not fiction. Big Pharma, along with the FDA, AMA ,CMA and WHO really do not want Cancer cured as the financial loss would be staggering , I also no longer have any faith in the Family Doctor as all they do for the most part is push chemicals and Radiation treatments and Chemo which at the end of the day do more harm than good.
    As far as Natural cures and remedies like the alkaline solution, the non acidic body the wholly Oxygenated body where Cancer cell’s CAN NOT survive makes so much more sense to me than being bombarded with radiation that actually can destroy DNA at the molecular level , Chemo treatmants that attack and destroy what is left of ones immune system that has already been compromised by the Cancer to begin with. Radical surgery that leaves many poeple scared and mutilated.
    I have done much research on alternative homiopathec remedies and the stats are impressive to say the least, but there will be the ney sayers and those are usually the ones who are most likely in health care and have made a very comfortable living being a medical practitioner, and most of them really dont want to miss the the all expence paid golf trip and / or vacation paid for by Mrck or Pfiser, or Johnson and Johnson, or Smith ClineGlaxo
    So if I should get Cancer I will do a whole body cleanse, a 30 day Organic Juice fast to cleanse the body of cancerous cells…I could go on but the point is that Western Medicine is for the most part a profit oriented business, its soul purpose is to keep the mass’s as ill as possible to make as much money as posible for as loong as thier bodies can take it.
    I’ll go Natural than you very much

  8. philip June 4, 2011 at 8:12 pm

    Oh I almost forgot!!
    If Homiopathic remedies dont work, why then are Naturopathic clinics in the US and Europe raided illigally, and Smear campains created by Government institutions like the FDA, and why just 2 weeks ago did the European Union Ban Natural, and herbal remedies with little fan fare, in other words swept under the rug, I’ll tell you because they know that these remedies that have been passed down through the generations and have been proven to work time and time again , because they want you and I to buy there poisons and toxins to keep them ubber wealthy and keep us sick …I challenge anyone ready this blog to prove im wrong.

  9. beatis June 4, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    I have done much research on alternative homiopathec remedies and the stats are impressive to say the least,

    Please show us these stats, we would very much like to see them. 🙂

    Big Pharma, along with the FDA, AMA ,CMA and WHO really do not want Cancer cured as the financial loss would be staggering , I also no longer have any faith in the Family Doctor as all they do for the most part is push chemicals and Radiation treatments and Chemo which at the end of the day do more harm than good.
    but there will be the ney sayers and those are usually the ones who are most likely in health care and have made a very comfortable living being a medical practitioner, and most of them really dont want to miss the the all expence paid golf trip and / or vacation paid for by Mrck or Pfiser, or Johnson and Johnson, or Smith ClineGlaxo

    Accusing someone of being in the thrall of the evil pharma cabal simply because they don’t agree with you immediately causes you to lose an argument. It shows you have no meaningful statements to support your argument.

  10. beatis June 4, 2011 at 9:21 pm

    If Homiopathic remedies dont work, why then are Naturopathic clinics in the US and Europe raided illigally, and Smear campains created by Government institutions like the FDA,

    Because they don’t work. And by the way, it’s spelled homeopathic – with an e, not an i.

    and why just 2 weeks ago did the European Union Ban Natural, and herbal remedies with little fan fare, in other words swept under the rug,

    It is not a ban but merely a requirement for registration, aimed at protecting consumers from potentially harmful herbal medicines. Under a European directive, herbal medicines on sale in shops will have to be registered. Products must meet safety, quality and manufacturing standards, and come with information outlining possible side-effects.

    I challenge anyone ready this blog to prove im wrong.

    I just did.

  11. Danielle June 6, 2011 at 3:49 am

    In response to jli and beatis: Despite your rhetoric attempting to put down natural or alternative remedies for cancer, the following fact remains, which no one can dispute (as I had reported in an earlier blog)– that in 1990 a report from JAMA “leaked” out to the press –this report which was supposed to be a confidential, stated that 18, 000 oncologists across the country had been polled and they were asked what would be their treatment of choice if they had cancer, and close to 80% said they would use ALL NATURAL THERAPIES, AND THAT THEY HAD ALREADY PLANNED WHERE THEY WOULD GO FOR THESE THERAPIES SHOULD THEY CONTRACT CANCER. I THINK THAT THIS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.
    Further, I personally know someone whose brother is an oncologist in New Jersey, and when I spoke about this report years ago, this friend said to me that her brother also told her that if he had cancer, he would use only natural remedies. Naturally, one could understand why such a devastating (to the reputation of oncologists) report would not openly be published as it reveals that those persons (who were polled) who make a living by treating people through chemo/radiation/allopathic medicine, themselves, would not use these methodologies on themselves. However, someone with a very troubled conscience, obviously “leaked” such a report to the press/public in 1990.
    No matter what side of the fence you are one regarding the issue of natural/alternative treatments vs. conventional treatment, this JAMA report cannot be denied. And, to repeat, it speaks for itself. The statement from beatis that the oncologists he knows who would use conventional treatment does not in any way nullify or nor diminish the truth about the JAMA report earlier spoken of. As I shared above, I know of an oncologist who would only use natural remedies, if, God forbid, he contracted cancer.
    Further, we personally know several people who had terminal cancer and who cured themselves with either “the ph miracle” protocol as mentioned in a book with the same name by Robert O. Young, or the Halleluyah Acres diet.
    Further, while it is easy for critics of natural remedies for cancer to jump on the anti-natual remedies bandwagon, citing the Kim Timkham case, there are many facts concerning her experience that are not yet revealed which would explain why the ph miracle diet, which initially seemed to be healing this woman, was not totally successful as it has been with others.
    Further, jli and beatis have some nerve to say that natural remedies don’t work, when in reality there are thousands of testimonies (maybe more) on the internet of people who are not afraid and/or timid to share their natural cancer cure with the public. That’s like telling a person who tells you that they have been bonafide cured from cancer through a healthy, natural diet, “no, you haven’t been cured.” That is pretty crazy! jli and beatis also would attempt to dismiss as false the true story of a woman who had advanced MS or a related disease (who was bonafide cured due to the Halleluyah Acres diet, (around 5 or so years ago) and whose story made Fox News and other new services. The before and after pictures of this dear lady are thrilling, and thank God for such wonderful testimonies. For those who wish to check out this story, you can go to the website For those who want to know more about “the ph miracle,” they can check out
    While there is, no doubt, a place for allopathic/conventional medicine mostly in regards for diagnosis, there is also a more important place for natural remedies to bring about healing. If you are a person searching the internet for a way to treat your cancer, pray to God for wisdom, and then check out natural remedies for the disease. The two protocols I’ve mentioned are among the most successful natural remedies, but you may also find more websites.

  12. beatis June 6, 2011 at 7:45 am


    In 1990 a report from JAMA “leaked” out to the press –this report which was supposed to be a confidential, stated that 18, 000 oncologists across the country had been polled and they were asked what would be their treatment of choice if they had cancer, and close to 80% said they would use ALL NATURAL THERAPIES, AND THAT THEY HAD ALREADY PLANNED WHERE THEY WOULD GO FOR THESE THERAPIES SHOULD THEY CONTRACT CANCER. I THINK THAT THIS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.

    This is the only relevant report from the period you mention that we have been able to find: Oncologists vary in their willingness to undertake anti-cancer therapies. We blogged about it here.

    No matter what side of the fence you are one regarding the issue of natural/alternative treatments vs. conventional treatment, this JAMA report cannot be denied. And, to repeat, it speaks for itself.

    What report? Where is it? Why don’t you just show it to us so we can see for ourselves?

  13. beatis June 6, 2011 at 8:34 am

    For those who want to know more about “the ph miracle” scam, they can check out
    For those who want to know more about the “Halleluya diet” scam, they can check out

  14. philip June 6, 2011 at 5:18 pm

    I can tell by your condescending attitude that you will never listen to reason…So i will try to help you see the other side of the coin. My point where the institutions are in a Financial conspiracy to keep us all as Ill as possible is well documentented…Think of the Millions and millions of dollars that would be lost if there was a Natural cure for Cancer that could be sold to the public for a fraction of the cost, but since it couldnt be patented, becuase it is a natural cure,Big Pharma would lose a staggering amount of money,think about it for a moment In order for big Pharma to make money, any hint of a natural cure must be squashed as soon as possible …So Raid the clinic, Smear the company thats putting out the cure, and throw the naturopath in the Slammer for being a Quack!!! thats Big Pharma’s, and the FDA solution, oh and by the way why are over 50% of the Federal employees working at the FDA once or still are affiliated will Big Pharma to my mind thats a conflict of interest, which means there is a bias permiating the FDA for the continued success of Big Pharma at the expence of lagit Naturopaths trying there best to find mother Natures cure which is a hell of a lot better than Slowly killing us with radiation or Toxic chemicals or Radical surgeries. but of course since it was not taught a Med School it cant be could ..all this natural rubbish lets shoot em full of chemicals ,have them walk around with a bright green glow, Cut off a breast or two…but least we killed the Cancer, oh we killled the patient too….next victim.
    The fact that there are people out there trying to find a better, natural way to find a cure this horrible desease makes you angry, makes you mad, You took an Oath “DO NO HARM” (presuming you are a Doctor or Nurse) Yet you promote this hideous method of medical practice .

  15. philip June 6, 2011 at 6:57 pm

    Further more, you say you would like me to prove to you the stats, that I speak of ,well if you are a true health practitioner… the question is why arent you? If you truly want to know the facts dont take my word for it, you go find the answers. After all it is your blog…Yes?
    All the Stats you seek aer there for the reading!!!

  16. philip June 6, 2011 at 7:09 pm

    Also im sure youve heard of the CODEX Alimentarius.. And what a scam this organization is!
    More and more people are becoming concerned about the shady, secretive organization that is Codex Alimentarius – the thinly-veiled propaganda arm of the international pharmaceutical industry that does everything it can to promote industry objectives whilst limiting individual options to maintain health (which would diminish mermbers profits).
    Codex alimentarius is one of the major bodies behind the effort to limit access to nutritional products and information. Its motivation is not rocket science and neither is the source of its funding – money that somehow expected to return a profit to its members . . . Most of the information available regarding codex alimentarius refers to its role in the USA, but it is not a US-specific body. Far from it, Codex has wiggled its dirty little tentacles into just about every national or international body concerned with public health. Posing as a benefactor, it then uses its significant financial and political clout to do its masters bidding.

    This is to bring about international ‘harmonization.’ While global harmony sounds benign, is that the real purpose of this plan? While the stated goal of Codex is to establish unilateral regulations for dietary supplements in every country, the actual goal is to outlaw health products and information on vitamins and dietary supplements, except those under their direct control. These regulations would supersede United States domestic laws without the American people’s voice or vote in the matter.
    Thats why the EU put a Ban on Natural remedies and Homeopathic Medicine…You probably Im making this up too
    Just one more reason not to trust the AMA, WHO, WTO and most of all BIG PHARMA!!! Fact not Fiction

  17. philip June 6, 2011 at 7:33 pm

    Oh just a little m ore…
    If Codex Alimentarius has its way, then herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic remedies, amino acids and other natural remedies you have taken for granted most of your life will be gone. The name of the game for Codex Alimentarius is to shift all remedies into the prescription category so they can be controlled exclusively by the medical monopoly and its bosses, the major pharmaceutical firms. Predictably, this scenario has been denied by both the Canadian Health Food Association and the Health Protection Branch of Canada (HPB).

    The Codex Alimentarius proposals already exist as law in Norway and Germany where the entire health food industry has literally been taken over by the drug companies. In these countries, vitamin C above 200 mg is illegal as is vitamin E above 45 IU, vitamin B1 over 2.4 mg and so on. Shering-Plough, the Norway pharmaceutical giant, now controls an Echinacea tincture, which is being sold there as an over the counter drug at grossly inflated prices. The same is true of ginkgo and many other herbs, and only one government controlled pharmacy has the right to import supplements as medicines which they can sell to health food stores, convenience stores or pharmacies.”

    It is now a criminal offence in parts of Europe to sell herbs as foods. An agreement called EEC6565 equates selling herbs as foods to selling other illegal drugs. Action is being taken to accelerate other European countries into ‘harmonization’ as well.

    The Info that you’ve been reading was taken from the Natural Health Info Center.
    And this is why im so Against Big Pharma ,because of who is really backing them, and Western Medical Mind set is to follow along like mindless sheep to do their bedding, and thats CRIMINAL!

  18. jli June 6, 2011 at 7:39 pm

    Further, I personally know someone whose brother is an oncologist…

    I know several oncologists in person. Big Pharma drains their budget. If there really was a simple, cheap and effective “natural therapy” that worked, they would all be using it. Beatis linked you to an article showing that oncologists would go for conventional treatment. This article is consistent with the stance of the oncologists I know. The only way we can assess the veracity of your claim that 80% of oncologists would choose “natural therapy” is if you can provide the source.

    Further, jli and beatis have some nerve to say that natural remedies don’t work, when in reality there are thousands of testimonies (maybe more) on the internet of people who are not afraid and/or timid to share their natural cancer cure with the public.

    And how do their stories differ from say Hollie Quinn’s ?

  19. beatis June 6, 2011 at 7:52 pm

    Thats why the EU put a Ban on Natural remedies and Homeopathic Medicine…You probably Im making this up too
    Just one more reason not to trust the AMA, WHO, WTO and most of all BIG PHARMA!!! Fact not Fiction

    There is no ban on natural remedies and homeopathic medicine.

  20. beatis June 6, 2011 at 8:00 pm

    The problem is that I have been trying to find the answers for years, but I have not been able to find any stats proving that alternative cancer cures are more successful than conventional ones. So if you do have these stats, why is it such a problem to show them to us? I would be proud to show them if I were you, but for some reason you seem set on keeping them a secret.

  21. jli June 6, 2011 at 8:18 pm

    ….but since it couldnt be patented, becuase it is a natural cure,Big Pharma would lose a staggering amount of money……

    For natural products they need only patent a method of
    preparation or isolate an active ingredient to compete with any competitors. It happens all the time. See for instance this.
    But cancer is a collective term for approximately 200 different diseases. Every cell type in your body can (in principle) develop into its own type of cancer. On top of that individual cancer cells in every cancer are also different from one another. So it is not all that surprising that we don’t have, and most likely won’t find a single cure for all cancers.

    There are several incentives for owners of pharmaceutical companies/government members etc. to really want an effective cure. Here are some of them:
    1) Owners/employees (And their love ones) of pharmaceutical companies suffer from cancer too.
    2) Researchers wouldn’t be able to keep their mouth shut if they found a miraculous cure or even a major breakthrough.
    3) Progress in cancer treatment is happening even though not as fast as we all would like to. Some cancers are even easily cured.
    4) Pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t lose money for finding a cure – They would increase their income considerably.
    5) Also members of governments (and their love ones) sometimes get cancer

  22. beatis June 6, 2011 at 8:22 pm

    It is now a criminal offence in parts of Europe to sell herbs as foods. An agreement called EEC6565 equates selling herbs as foods to selling other illegal drugs. Action is being taken to accelerate other European countries into ‘harmonization’ as well.

    It is not a criminal offence to sell herbs as foods. It is is no longer allowed to make medical claims regarding herbs while selling them as food supplements. If you want to sell them as medicines, you must either be able to substantiate your claim or be able to show that the herb has been safely used as a medicine for the past 30 years.

  23. beatis June 6, 2011 at 8:24 pm

    I am not a health practitioner, I am a cancer patient.

    BTW, the alternative health industry is just as profit driven as the pharmaceutical industry, making profits of billions of dollars.

  24. philip June 6, 2011 at 10:48 pm

    I never said that Natural health industry wasnt for profit…What I take exception to is the means by which B.PH. monopolizes the Advertising of their toxins where by they must spend 45 seconds on a 60 second commercial explaining the side affects of their product that does NOT treat the cause but only the symtom, and make people feel even worse than they already do, yet how many Natural health companies are allowed to advertise their wares on TV a big fat Zero the reason is, is that the FDA will not allow them to.Yet the FDA allows B.PH. to pedal thier lethal garbage and Lobby congress to suite their needs and Bottom line!
    You sit there and promote the unnatural methods of treatment that is wholly foreign to the human body and is Toxic in everyway, and does nothing but damage, in other words you would promote amputation of
    the arm to heal a sliver in the finger.
    I dont think Stats is the issue here in this forum.Its the totally unbalanced, predudicial, currupt Medical industry in all its forms in North America, the politically motivated lobbiest that grease the pockets of the congress/ senate to further thier profit by keeping any other poossible cure scenario’s off the market. because they say its quakery, yet feeding the population with their Garbage is and doing it legally is in my and many other informed citizens oppinion a travesty.
    What real harm can a natural cure do if it has been dispenced for generations.What is the FDA and big Pharma affraid of, as no has ever died from a natural remedy that has been dispenced properly ,but look at how many people die in the US alone from Prescribed medicines, and how many drugs are pulled off the market from people dieing and the FDA has no choice but to pull them because their affraid if there was a full on investigation there would be hell to pay and the companies like Merc, Pfizer, Smith Cline Glaxo cant afford the bad press and dont need more the law suites because thier hands are full with all the class action suites their already dealing with as I type this rebutle. Tell me im Wrong!

  25. beatis June 7, 2011 at 5:02 am

    What I take exception to is the means by which B.PH. monopolizes the Advertising of their toxins where by they must spend 45 seconds on a 60 second commercial explaining the side affects of their product that does NOT treat the cause but only the symtom, and make people feel even worse than they already do, yet how many Natural health companies are allowed to advertise their wares on TV a big fat Zero the reason is, is that the FDA will not allow them to.Yet the FDA allows B.PH. to pedal thier lethal garbage and Lobby congress to suite their needs and Bottom line!

    None of us on this blog are from the USA. In Europe, pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to advertise for prescription medicine on TV or in other commercial media. It seems the American health system has gone completely awry. Many people in Europe as well as Canada are aghast at how it’s organized and we would never allow for something like that in our own countries.

    What real harm can a natural cure do if it has been dispenced for generations.

    This blog is about the dangers of alternative treatments for cancer. Until now, there hasn’t been any alternative treatment that can cure or even halt the growth of cancer. And contrary to what you seem to think, there has been lots of research. A natural cure for cancer that doesn’t work will cause the cancer to grow and go from curable to incurable, causing the patient to die where they otherwise might have lived. Yes, albeit sometimes with one breast instead of two. But I’d much rather live with one breast than be in my coffin with two, as would all my fellow patients.

    So yes, it is about the stats. If you have stats showing that natural treatments can cure cancer it is your moral duty to publicize them and I honestly can’t understand why you should refuse to do so.

  26. philip June 8, 2011 at 7:19 pm

    Im not refusing im actually doing some due dilligence before I continue to blog at this sight

  27. philip June 8, 2011 at 7:35 pm

    Hers a link to a Cancer clinic that seems to having great success with alternative NON TOXIC cancer treatments

  28. philip June 8, 2011 at 7:43 pm

    in addition to the link above here is the following.
    *I thought I would this sniglet from the Issels home page… theres alot more there…”Immunotherapy may be one of the only ways left to deal with cancer. We’ve gone as far as we can with chemotherapy,” says oncologist Herman Kattlove, an editor for the American Cancer Society. With few new drugs coming out, he says, “chemotherapy is sort of a dead area…” With dendritic cells, “what convinced me is that we saw responses,” says Dr. Levy (Stanford University). — New Weapon in Cancer War. The Wall Street Journal, May 23, 2003: B1
    As I understand the above these procedures are non evasive and CHEMO Therapy FREE! and this Alternative clinic have had impressive results.

  29. jli June 9, 2011 at 4:10 pm

    ”Immunotherapy may be one of the only ways left to deal with cancer. We’ve gone as far as we can with chemotherapy,” says oncologist Herman Kattlove, an editor for the American Cancer Society.

    Yes – Antibodies directed at specific targets involved in pathways regulating cellular growth are in use, and new are being developed. These new drugs are not called chemotherapeutics. They are still drugs though. They are no guaranteed cures, because on average mutations are present in 13 such pathways in each cancer. And these drugs are definitely not without side effects.

  30. philip June 9, 2011 at 6:55 pm

    Are they drugs with side effects as terrible as what is being used in Standard Chemo, are they Toxic?What type of side effectsdo you speak of?
    Would you still promote the excepted method of Chemo, Rad, and Surgery?
    when this Herm Kattlove is admitting that Chemo in its Standard form is becoming a Horse that will soon become unridable.

  31. jli June 9, 2011 at 7:29 pm

    Are they drugs with side effects as terrible as what is being used in Standard Chemo……?

    Judge for yourself: Cetuximab, Panitumumab, Gleevec Avastin
    Those are examples of immunotherapy drugs that are currently in use.

    Would you still promote the excepted method of Chemo, Rad, and Surgery?

    If I ever get cancer myself, I will opt for the best treatment according to scientific evidence. Good scientific evidence is based on controlled trials, where personal (and industrial for that matter) bias are eliminated. Testimonials presented on websites promoting various (alternative) cancer therapies is just not good enough evidence for me. There are so many things that can be wrong with cancer cure testimonials. If you are interested in learning about the pitfalls, I recommend this website.
    Another case is presented right here on this blog, where a cancer patient promotes a book of hers, in which she explains how she beat cancer the natural way. But on closer examination (and by her own admission), it turns out that she had surgery, and the cancer was completely removed.

  32. philip June 13, 2011 at 6:56 pm

    Well I finaly found a Documentary that not shows a real time cure for cancer but stats to go along with it. It not only speaks of the Antineoplastones that occur naturally in the human body that kill Cancer cells automatically., and im talking Breast, colon,Ovarian,Lung,pancreatic, tumors of every type!
    The Documentary is about Dr.Brizynski and his on going battle to perfect the synthesis of the Antineoplastones with no Side effects but also the almost 30 year battle he has had to fight with the FDA and the National Cancer Institute, and their smear campain to have him thrown in jail for a total of 250 years or some rediculous like that. So watch the movie or just google his name and you’ll see how very currupt the US Government is how they will go to any means to stop real homiopathec research at any cost.

  33. wilmamazone June 13, 2011 at 8:47 pm


    Dr. Burzynski is a rather difficult woo-meister to tackle for a variety of reasons. First, he really is a legitimate MD/PhD, proving beyond a doubt that having an MD/PhD double threat degree does not necessarily inoculate one from falling prey to pseudoscience. He’s also an example of a brave maverick doctor (specifically
    the “iconoclast” type) who’s discovered The One True Treatment for cancer, HIV, and a wide variety of other conditions. In Dr. Burzynski’s case, his treatment of choice is something he once dubbed antineoplastons, and, like all brave maverick doctors, be they Mark and David Geier, Andrew Wakefield, or Robert O. Young, he believes himself to be a crusading researcher rather than a quack. He also gives good science-y speak in that he has many of the trappings of a reputable scientist, including publications in reputable journals. Come to think of it, that’s just like the Geiers or Wakefield too, all of whom have managed to insinuate themselves into the medical literature. Like Wakefield (but unlike Mark Geier), at one time Dr. Burzynski was actually viewed as a promising young researcher. Unfortunately that time was well over 30 years ago, when he was on the faculty at the Baylor College of Medicine. It was there that he discovered what he would later call “antineoplastons.”

    Like many brave maverick iconoclasts frustrated with the “arrogance,” “blindness,” and “inflexibility” of his academic colleagues, Dr. Burzynski apparently ultimately decided that academia was not for him (or maybe the decision was made for him); so he founded his own

  34. wilmamazone June 13, 2011 at 9:09 pm

    [.. or just google his name..]
    I did again:

    Stanislaw Burzynski and “Antineoplastons”
    Saul Green, Ph.D.

    Unlike most “alternative medicine” practitioners, Stanislaw R. Burzynski has published profusely. The sheer volume of his publications impresses patients, but unless they understand what they are reading, they cannot judge its validity. To a scientist, Burzynski’s literature contains clear evidence that his data do not support his claims.

  35. philip June 13, 2011 at 10:31 pm

    I would advise you watch the movie as I have already read the Dolly Doubters on Quack Watch .com
    I will still maintain what he is doing is far and away better than anything big Pharma is doing in the quest for the cure for cancer….Watch the movie!!!
    Yes there are peeps that have taken what the FDA and tha NCI have purported as unproven and of course taken what they have said to be gospel when in fact they took research that Dr.B said was not conclusive, ant twisted to be Quackery…Watch the movie
    Again the Nay sayers will take the weakest of False info from sources like the FDA and the NCI which we all know have been on a witch hunt for DR.B. since the late 70’s and 80’s Watch the movie.

  36. philip June 13, 2011 at 10:47 pm

    Further more if you watch the movie the peeps that you said called Dr.B’s findings false, are referred to in the movie, and again these findings were actually fraudulently obtained through one of his associates who sold out to Elan Pharmacuetical ‘s
    behind his back “Watch the movie” and warned that the trials they were putting his
    Patented works through would NOT Work!!! Watch the movie!!!
    Of course you didnt know that did you? Watch the movie!!!

  37. beatis June 14, 2011 at 7:30 am

    So watch the movie or just google his name and you’ll see how very currupt the US Government is how they will go to any means to stop real homiopathec research at any cost.

    Huh? Homeopathy? Dr B’s therapy has nothing to with homeopathy whatsoever.

    It not only speaks of the Antineoplastones that occur naturally in the human body that kill Cancer cells automatically., and im talking Breast, colon,Ovarian,Lung,pancreatic, tumors of every type!

    (My bold) As jli has explained already, there is no such thing as one cure for all cancers. Anyone making such a claim should be distrusted on principle.

  38. wilmamazone June 14, 2011 at 7:35 am


    Of course you didnt know that did you? Watch the movie!!!

    Do you know how many movie’s you can watch claiming to have found the cure of cancer many years ago? That they all make a complaint about almost the same and use these tall story’s as valid arguments?
    All cancer specialist’s on our world were/are in the conspiracy or is it just intimidation and all slander by people who are not competent to deal with these matters?!

    By the way, did you know this about your Dr. B?:

    Another peculiar aspect of the Burzynski trials is that people have to pay to be experimental subjects and the amounts of money are not insignificant. I recently heard of a young boy whose parents who were trying to raise $14,000 just to get him into the program and were expected to find $4,000 a month to keep him there and I know of another case where parents were trying to raise $125,000 so that their young daughter with a brain tumour could receive “experimental treatment”. (See Note 1 below.) Normally, clinical trials are paid for by the person or organisation producing whatever it is to be tested.

    It seems that Dr Burzynski cannot legally offer antineoplastons as a cure (or even a treatment) for cancer, but he can offer them to people as part of clinical trials. After the number of trials that have been conducted, and the number of years that the research has been going on, and the number of dollars that must have been collected over the time, it is surprising that the medical literature is not full of success stories and the intensive care wards empty of cancer patients. Unless antineoplastons don’t cure cancer and the continuation of patient-funded clinical trials is just a scam.

  39. Philip June 14, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    OK I see that you are not going to give any credit to his research, and I know that you will NOT watch the movie, and it is obvious that you believe this man is a Charlatan,
    I still maintain that his research is worth supporting because he has had success with out side effects etc…Can conventional therapies claim the same?You and I both know they cannot “Watch the movie” or are you afraid that Dr.B is actually on to something.
    I have maintained that anytime researchers get close to something that might be worth investigation especially if it means that BIG PHARMA cannot Patent it, then they get the FDA to SQUASH it, because as you know that Big Pharma and the FDA and the N.C.I. are all in bed together (Tell me I’m wrong!)of course you will tell I’m wrong LOL !!( I find it interesting that you will NOT acknowledge these facts)
    No Dr.B. can not offer his treatment because the FDA has made sure of that by black balling him ,hog tieing him etc.They know he is on to something which neither the FDA and Big Pharma can control, because the man was smart enough to get patents for everything he has done and that fact irritates the powers that be to know end, that he may be smarter than them.
    I had my doubts when I first heard about the guy ,but I took the time to watch the movie to see how biased it would be ,and to see how slanted in his favor, but much to my surprise, it was well balanced telling both sides of the story (Watch the movie) So Knowing how the system works in North America, and in some parts of Europe I gave the benefit of the doubt to DR.B. knowing that everything was working against him.
    It is indeed expensive to get to his treatments because he has had a hard time getting outside funding for his research thanks again in part to the FDA and there “Guilty by Association” Campaign that they run against any and all private and Corporate interests that may want to fund his research or any unapproved research for that matter. So until you watch the movie, you really are biased as to what you have been reading on DR.B. has most likely been published by all the Nay Sayers, including the Powers that can control the printed word and put out only the most negative of material to turn all against not only him, but others who are trying to do legitimate research.
    Speaking of that research the FDA, Elan Pharmaceuticals, and endorsed by the N.C.I.
    actually obtained patents obtained illegally from Dr.B.’s research…that’s the FDA a Government institution doing things by the book!
    There is, in the US a Procedure set out by the Federal Government, and by the Pharmaceutical Giants to put down any research that would compromise the strangle hold they have on the health industry , and jeopardize their financial bottom line. this is not conspiracy, this is not hear say, but in fact has been proven time and time again. They use the protection of the general public as a ruse to keep ultimate control of their profits, and patents , and bribe congress to keep the Status Quo, but of course you would believe otherwise..yes?

  40. wilmamazone June 14, 2011 at 5:12 pm


    Stuff and nonsense! You seems to be a regular chatterbox and now also clairvoyant.

    OK I see that you are not going to give any credit to his research, and I know that you will NOT watch the movie, and it is obvious that you believe this man is a Charlatan,
    I still maintain that his research is worth supporting because he has had success with out side effects etc…Can conventional therapies claim the same?You and I both know they cannot “Watch the movie” or are you afraid that Dr.B is actually on to something.

    How do you know that no one of us saw that movie? You suggest with this that not you are the one who is incompetent. What a big-headeness!

    By the way:
    There is no medicine without possible site effects. When this claim is made, you can
    be sure it’s quack medicine/hot air.

  41. Philip June 15, 2011 at 1:32 am

    Ya know what?, you haven’t addressed a single item that i have touched upon except to say that I’m Clairvoyant which is ridiculous, and that I am presuming that you didn’t watch the movie, and I am not interested in your cohorts that possibly did ,and therefore your getting info second hand, for if you did, THEN you would see that his claims are in fact legit even the little to NO side effects! You have totally missed everything I spoke of out FACT, FACT, FACT, but of course you for some reason feel the need to call me a big head, and really am at a loss as to where that came from.
    “the Stuff of nonsense” ILMAO!!! It is obvious you didn’t and wont take the time to read my last, for if you did you wouldn’t be resorting to innuendo and insults….A sure sign of someone NOT in the Know. and being intimidated to the point of insult…

  42. wilmamazone June 15, 2011 at 10:22 am


    [.. for if you did, THEN you would see that his claims are in fact legit even the little to NO side effects! You have totally missed everything I spoke of out FACT, FACT, FACT, but of course..]

    Orac/David Gorski:

    One huge problem that was noted is that Dr. Burzynski’s therapy requires the adminstration of so much antineoplaston as sodium salts that several of his patients developed hypernatremia, in one case as high as 180 mEq/L. (A normal serum sodium level ranges between 135 and 145 mEq/L.) Personally, I’ve never seen a sodium level that high in a living patient. When sodium levels get into the 155 mEq/L and up range, clinicians start to get very worried and usually start aggressive treatment to bring the sodium levels down. Worse, these are patients with brain cancer. One danger is that, in correcting the hypernatremia, sometimes cerebral edema (brain swelling) will result. That’s why we generally try to correct hyponatremia fairly slowly. In a patient with a brain tumor, cerebral edema could be even more dangerous than in a patient without such a tumor. Despite reviewers being alarmed at the hypernatremia some of Burzynski’s patients developed, astoundingly he still claimed that he had no “significant toxicity.”

    The bottom line is that Dr. Burzynski is not a miracle worker. He is not a doctor who sees something that mainstream science has not and who therefore has a cure for many cancers that mainstream medicine scoffs at. He is not a bold visionary. Rather, he appears to be a man pursuing pseudoscience. The reason that mainstream scientific medicine has not accepted the existence of antineoplastons or their efficacy against cancer is because there is no credible evidence to support this thrapy and no one other than Dr. Burzynski has been able to replicate his results.

  43. philip June 15, 2011 at 4:11 pm

    Hmmm. In the Documentary he goes into the Side effect of Hypernatrimia, and has had no death or emergency treatments as to this abnormally high Sodium problem, his solution as I understood it was rehydration of the payments when showing signs of Hypernatrimia, and has had full recovery of all patients showing the symtoms.
    If compared to excepted Standardized Treatments of Brain tumors in children and adults what side effects and death’s have occured over the years with RAD, and Chemo therapies ,countless deaths, and hidious debilitating side effects, so as far as I know DR.B.’s Regimine has had NO deaths what so ever, and miner side effects to date.
    It is true that Dr.B. is NOT a miracle worker and he did not at anytime confess to be.
    Mainstrem medicine scoffs at him because I would venture to say that most most likely have ties with the FDA and Big Pharma and therefore must oppose him on every level
    so I would suggest that you watch the documentary also

  44. philip June 15, 2011 at 6:44 pm

    Further more you say that there is NO CREDIBLE eveidance that DR.B’s Therapy’s do not work why are all this poeple in the Documentary stating that it fact it does work ,and why would a accredited Doctor and researcher put a full out Documentary claiming his success rate is twice that of conventional treatments and shows the documentation to prove it, let alone knowing that the FDA and Big Phrama went to great lengths to obscond with some of his works through a former associate, which tells me that DR.B is on to something big. and that the FEDS are terrified that he just may be right on the money or at least close. Mr. Gorski I am suspicious of your credentials and why you sir are so adament in making him out to be a quack the man is a licenced Doctor and researcher.
    Where did you get your info?

  45. wilmamazone June 15, 2011 at 8:41 pm


    About: David H. Gorski, MD, PhD

    Full Name
    David Gorski
    Dr. Gorski’s full information can be found……

  46. philip June 15, 2011 at 9:28 pm

    I must say that Dr. Gorski’s credentials are impressive to say the least.However ever since I am a layman, and have no faith whatso ever in Western Medicine. I cant help wondering if when the National Cancer Institute, the American Medical Association or the College of Surgeons says Jump I wonder if he says how high?
    The reason im so Dark about this is, it has been drilled into our interns for the last fifty some odd years keep them drugged, keep them sick , Prescribe prescribe prescribe!
    I really truly hope that our Dr. Gorski is one of those Doctors that does NOT prescribe to the Staus Quo set up by the affore mentioned institutions.

  47. Wack The Duck August 1, 2011 at 11:08 am

    Science is not a matter of faith, it’s a matter of data showing positive outcomes Philip, ask yourself why the “alternative” gurus are typically adverse to clinical trials of their methods or providing data to support their alleged successes. It isn’t because “the man” is trying to keep them down. It’s because they know that there is no proof their ideas work.

    But you have hit on an important point. To you and people like you, alternative medicine is a faith, with a devotion as pure, emotional, and irrational as any religion.

  48. philip August 1, 2011 at 1:23 pm

    LOL…you certainly are reaching with your last reply.
    “But you have hit on an important point. To you and people like you, alternative medicine is a faith, with a devotion as pure, emotional, and irrational as any religion.”
    This not about faith, or being irrational, or even emotion. Its about people wanting to get well. Its about them wanting a cure without the side affects being worse than the disease they are battling. Its about honest cures at reasonable prices. Its about doing whats right for the patient not about keeping them sick to make as much money as possible before that person dies. Its about putting the person first not the dollar.
    If you think for one minute that the huge Pharmaceutical institutions around the world really want a cure for any of the cancers that are plaguing the world you are living in LaLa land.
    As far as proof I believe I have provided some, and yes some of that proof is still in the research stage.
    What really scares me as that you are so brain washed by the Status Quo, you will insult, degrade, and bad mouth me because I have the balls to stand up to the excepted norm (in North America) and say NO!! Because I know in FACT that the Medical, Pharmaceutical, and various medical institutions are corrupt and have Congress bought and sold to let them get away with pretty much anything and everything they want (whats Wrong with that picture?)
    So you go ahead and keep defending the real QUACKS which are those researchers for big Pharma, that must sign over everything they discover that could cure a disease so it can be shelved, that must sign Non Disclosure Agreements at penalty of Prison time and loss of their license to practice medicine if they should speak out against their employer even though that employer maybe introducing a drug on the market that may kill the user, or at least cause other life threatening side affects.
    Yes these companies that can now push through untested drugs in weeks where less than 20 years ago it would have taken years for FDA approval.
    Who are you trying to kid? You are as bad as the companies pushing there poisons on us because you endorse their monopoly on the industry. How dare you call me irrational…How irrational is it when you see a 1 minute commercial that that spends 41 seconds explaining the 24 or 25 side affects 4 of which may cause death!yes I’m devoted all right to making poor misguided people like you see the truth. but then you will never be able to see the truth, because you are blinded by the Rx which is your God!

  49. philip August 2, 2011 at 3:41 am

    Further to your last post, You are so smug about the guru’s not posting there findings HA! If you would bother to look on the net instead of being so damn righteous about your Promoting Bib Pharma, Rad, and Chemo therapies, you may notice that there are plenty of stats, but because the powers that be ..the so called authorities wont approve it its therefore Quackery
    You had better give your head a shake,wake up and smell the coffee, there is a uprising coming to your bloated, Money Grabbing, Chemical inducing, were not responsible for Thousands of deaths a year Medical society, People are becoming very wise to the there corrupt way of doing business and that ivory tower you keep promoting will come crashing down around your head! Because not only have the people had enough of politicians not doing what they were elected to do , but they are also done with the BS that the FDA, NCI, CS, and all the other associated institutions are handing out, because they all are beginning to realize that they DO NOT have their best interests at heart and haven’t for the last 40 years.!!

  50. philip August 12, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Oh and one more thing because of the toxins introduced with the blessings of the FDA , there is a hole new cottage industry that has been created because of these toxins spewed out by Big Pharma that advertises on all the major networks, the ambulance chasers that are making millions off of the unwitting persons who have been brain washed by their doctor into taking these untested, prematurely introduced toxic drugs that have been put out on the market. These Lawyers like frickin Vultures take advantage of a tragic situation where people are dying or becoming so ill, from the untested or pulled drugs that should have never ,ever been introduced in the first place ! So now they place class action suits against Big Pharma, and are winning! What does that tell you?
    Don’t talk to me about positive outcomes! Don’t talk to me about being irrational!, Don’t talk to me about religion! You dont have a Frickin leg to stand on! It is you who are the blind one here, it is you that needs a wake up call, it is you that needs to realize that there is something terribly wrong with a system that promotes profit instead of healing.

  51. arsenicisnatural August 15, 2011 at 1:53 am

    Yap, yap, yap…shut up philip.

  52. philip August 15, 2011 at 2:03 pm

    When the facts are overwhelming, the nay Sayers best response is to tell the person to shut up… I guess the truth not only hurts but also really pisses a lot of people off , as in your case.

  53. arsenicisnatural August 17, 2011 at 12:20 am

    Outright fucked-in-the-head willful ignorance like yours pisses everyone off.

  54. philip August 17, 2011 at 1:34 am

    All you’ve done is prove me right in all I’ve stated.
    With your blatant Slander, it is proof enough that I have struck a chord, It is also very, very obvious that your not angry with me because of my hitting on the truth. Your angry and insulting because deep, deep in side, you know in your heart of hearts that I’ve been right all along, and your so buried within the Status Quo, and afraid to make a move is just pisses you off even more. So much so you can only resort to the F-Bomb!! Your Frustration is very obvious.
    But I digress, at the end of the day it is you that will piss the majority of people off , because they will be angry at people like you for not telling them…those poor Bastards on their death beds that there might have been a better way, and that you didn’t feel an obligation to tell them because from day one , you were brainwashed into pushing Toxic Chemicals that was slowly poisoning them, or being subjected to Radiation treatments that was doing more long term damage than the Cancer they were fighting or Radical disfiguring surgery to slice and dice with no guarantee that you “GOT IT ALL”!! Then theres the companies that take out like insurance policies on their terminally ill employees so they can collect the insurance payout, then not even have the decency to tell the widower/ widow that they collected upwards of a million dollars on the deceased
    arsenicisnatural …..and you’ve got the Balls to me im F*$%^ed in the head.

  55. beatis August 17, 2011 at 8:20 am


    Please read the Comments section. You’ve had ample opportunity to express your views here – well, rants, rather. We don’t need you spamming your “big pharma gambit” here over and over again. If you want a discussion, try supplying some facts to back up your opinions. Until then, your comments will be held in moderation.

  56. piban September 6, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    one size does not fit all. saying this if conventional methods fail as they have for many many people as well as radiation causing more cancer alternate methods should be explored if that person wants to. my neighbor has been through bi-mastectomy, then hysterectomy and still its gone to her lymphnodes. Dr. told her she had earliest expiration date is September 2011 and latest December 2011. She is considering radiation on my neck lymphnodes to buy her some more time. The doctor told her to do anything she possibly could to survive. Tells me the old converntional method has failed this young woman and mother. Then they tell her to try anything. For me, I will not take radiation. I think its a blessing the doctors thought I was already taking radiation therapy. They will know sept. 20 I will not be going that route. Why would I take a radiation therapy that has a great chance of getting sarcoma cancer. No thank you. OH, yes dont tell me its rare because it is NOT. I belong to a FB group and have read many articles on the web re sarcoma and radiation being the cause. I would rather wait for a slow growing cancer to come back rather than put myself at risk for a fast growing deadly cancer caused by radiation. No, my case is not severe so why did the doctors want me to take radiation, maybe they are just going by the old program. NOT ME. So, one size does not fit all as well as conventional treatment cures can kill quicker than the initial cancer.

  57. piban September 6, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    let me make clear, I had the lumpectomy to get the cancer out. It was easy perform surgery. It was my left breast. Radation is known to cause lung problems and heart problems, therefore I have gone as far with the conventional treatment as I am going to.

  58. jli September 11, 2011 at 6:34 pm

    Why would I take a radiation therapy that has a great chance of getting sarcoma cancer.

    I understand your dilemma. The risk is there, but it is less than 1%.
    And there are good reasons for doctors to recommend conventional adjuvant therapy when appropriate. In this study: they looked into (among other things) what happens to breast cancer patients who opt for alternative therapy instead of conventional adjuvant therapy. They found that the disease progressed in 86,2% of the patients, and 20% died of cancer.

  59. Betty September 25, 2011 at 9:07 am

    If you want to know if homeopathic remedies can cure cancer just google Penelope Dingle.

    Beatis edit:

  60. beatis September 25, 2011 at 11:46 am

    Thanks Betty.

  61. di May 11, 2012 at 10:20 am

    Dear Filip,

    Im sorry to see all this discusion. I know how you feel as I feel the same. I think the reason they are all so ‘blind’ is not the blindness it self. They acctualy go blind for a reason. They know what is going on, at least they feel it. Simple as it is they get payed for these pharmas storys, the web site it self has a one single purpose, like quackwach to demolishe all alternatives. Im a pharmacicst, working in a local pharmacy, and im getting sick of the big pharmas intentions.

  62. Kole McRae September 7, 2012 at 3:07 pm

    Quacks are very dangerous, especially now a days with the magic of the internet

  63. bríde November 9, 2012 at 12:23 am

    just because it came back doesnt mean it didnt work. theres a difference. it worked so that it appeared to be fully gone but grew back, very common. she just needed to change other factors and keep going back

  64. beatis November 9, 2012 at 6:02 am

    It didn’t come back because it was never gone in the first place: by following a completely ineffective therapy she allowed an early stage, potentially very curable cancer to grow into an incurable one that killed her. Kim Tinkham died a horrible and unnecessary death, I find that truly heartbreaking and in my opinion therapists like hers, who make desperate people believe dangerous nonsense by preying on their fear and vulnerability, are no more than criminals.

  65. Bobba December 17, 2013 at 4:24 pm

    The american college of physician has published a recent report in Nov 2013 regarding mutli vitamins. The scientific study has found that multi vitamins have no true benefits and actuallly could be harmful in circumstances.

  66. JLI December 18, 2013 at 11:13 am

    Yes- These studies should have been done by the supplement industry themselves long time ago.

    Much of the conspiracy theory launched by alt medders today can be traced back to the time where the supplemental industry managed to block legislation forcing them to provide documentation of safety of their products.

    If you are intersted in further details I can recommend the book by Paul Offit: Do you believe in magic.

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